'Leaky' OSCIn? (Abletonsync envirnment)

Hope someone can help here with this strange issue that I’ve never seen before. I’m sending a bunch of OSC messages from Ableton using a variety of things I’ve hacked together that I found here (AudiotoOSC, OSCMIDI and the abletonsync environment)

what is happening, is that with the abletonsync environment, I’ve really stripped it down - the m4l patch, and just am sending the /syncbars and /syncbeats to a Lemur so I have a visual there as to where in the composition I am. So naturally this is a different IP and port than anything else within TD.

So my problem arises in that I am still getting occasionally /syncbars and /syncbeats in TD (!) very weird, and Im not sure how this could possible happen. Anyone experience this before? Its not having any adverse effects on the patch, but its sloppy, and Id really like anyone to shed some light on this…by the way, FWIW, I added the OpenSoundControl (from CNMAT) object in all of these M4L patches and it seemed to help greatly in the reliability of all the patches when sending from different computers (ie not ‘localhost’)

If anyone wants the patches I can put them up here…or send me a PM.