When using a Leap Motion CHOP, the input freezes when I unfocus TouchDesigner. It only resumes once I focus the TouchDesigner window again.
The GLSL CHOPs and other CHOPs still function properly, and the resulting texture is still sent via Spout. The Leap Motion CHOP is the only element that freezes.
Here are the fixes I have tried with no luck:
Unchecking the “Stop playing when minimized” option in preferences
Adding a null after my Shuffle CHOPs with “always” mode, as seen in the above image (this actually produces an FPS drop)
Can you report which build and OS you are running? Can I clarify you are not minimizing TD, just moving your mouse to another application? Do you mind sharing your .toe file?
I haven’t been able to reproduce this problem yet on my machine. What version of TouchDesigner are you running and what is your OS and LeapMotion driver version?
Does this happen if it’s just the Leap Motion CHOP in your network?
No Leap motion in my system, running Windows 10 NT on a desktop with a 3080. Weirdly this hasn’t happened again and I’m not able to recreate the issue. I was running Ableton at the same time with TD Ableton and I was using Scene Changer as well if that’s helpful info. I have had a few Windows updates since then so maybe it’s related to that.