LED Cube mapping with RayTK

I’m trying to use RayTK to map a cube of LEDs. The point render is working properly, but I can’t seem to get the data in the correct format to send DMX.

I’m using a TOPtoCHOP to get the channel data for the dmx out. The referenced TOP is the colorData from the RayTK pointMapRender1, the UV coordinates are from the soptochop referencing the sop that makes the cube of points.

I tried to make a little visualizer to see what is being fed to the DMX out, and it’s very different that what I’m seeing on the RayTK point render. Can’t seem to figure out what I’m doing wrong here.

File is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FHkcQlGGpir2ZXUfzMWyQikthEiSXoCG/view?usp=drive_link

Have you found the solution for your issue yet?

Hi @juanvandecappelle,

you can see if @tekt can chime in here.


This is a bit of a necro-thread, but in this specific case, it was because Charlaise was using the XYZ coordinates of the grid to sample where the RayTK chain should grab colors from… AND also the XY coordinates from that same grid to sample the resulting 2D TOP and grab color data for the pixels to output to DMX:

the input for the TOPto CHOP should be UV coordinates (between zero and one) of where in the TOP you want to grab pixel data from, which is completely unrelated to the XYZ coordinates of 3D space that you want RayTK to grab data from the RayTK scene. You generally only need to provide an input into the TOPto CHOP for PixelMapping use cases if you don’t already have the input TOP displaying ONLY the pixels you want to output to DMX. Since every pixel in the resulting Color TOP from the PointMapRender represents a real-life LED we want to send data to, we don’t need to sample or crop anything in the TOPto CHOP - we want the full image (every pixel)

Other than that, it’s about getting your input and output into a format that works best for how your DMX / LED controllers are set up, which we don’t know from this file: AKA is each vertical a single output / universe? Does the order in which the LED strips are plugged in go from top to bottom always or is it zig-zagging? Is each strip a separate DMX universe or do universes continue partially into new strips and then start over again mid-strip?

Depending on a multitude of these and other variables, there would need to be some Shuffle CHOPs, or re-arranging / more purposeful arrangement of the incoming pointMap to get everything organized into the right order / channel splits to feed to the DMXout CHOP and consequently the LED Controllers.