LED Mapping queston

I’m adapting my TD file from this amazing DMX tutorial but as you can see my preview output is tiled.

My LED matrix is 104x16 pixels. I set that in the grid node and the noise looks correct until it gets to my preview which looks like it is still set to be square (and showing multiple).

Any ideas? I looked through the other nodes but I can’t seem to find the issue.


Easier to understand if you publish your project .toe …
Its too small to understand but it seems the problem is in your shuffle chop, because your pattern is repeating 4 times.

Thanks @jacqueshoepffner, for some reason, I can post my toe file or even a link to it.

It says I don’t have permission.

if you browse the forum for ~10 minutes and read some topics, you’ll automatically get permission to post attachments - see Understanding Discourse Trust Levels on how reach trust level 1

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@jacqueshoepffner here is my toe file.


LEDmapping.13.toe (11.7 KB)

Same issue as Help with LED mapping


TOP to CHOP expects coordinates between zero and one only and you have a SOP that is extending out past zero and one horizontally that is being turned into your sampling coordinates. The extend conditions in the TOPto CHOP are telling it to repeat the values it spits out when you try to sample outside of the zero to one coordinate space of it’s input TOP.

TOPs - regardless of their aspect ratio - are always sampled with UV coordinates that never go below zero or above one in either direction. Even when you have a TOP that is stretched out like that, it just stretches the UV coordinate system to match and this is just a property of how GLSL works (not inherent to TouchDesigner)

You could either fit your TOP into a square Aspect ratio TOP (and shrink your SOP so it also fits in a 0-1 square), or squish the SOP geometry down to a square before it goes into the TOPto CHOP - but NOT before it goes into your pre-viz component.

Here is the quickest fix, but not without it’s issues that could come up later on depending on how you build out all of your pattern generation…