Ok. Apparently i got an urge to get my head out on irc again and well. i created channel
on freenode. /server irc.freenode.org /join #touchdesigner
I just installed ChatZilla in firefox and managed to join.
totally forgotten all this! like a time warp to 1990s (^^)V
Here’s an intro on how to use Chatzilla…
here’s the extension installer if you are in a hurry
addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefo … omepage-js
I’m on freenode all the time for the game I run so I’m game for that.
Just connected to the IRC channel, NO ONE THERE…
Any other chat arenas where touch designer peoples hang out ?
we never had a big enough community for one but its much bigger now…I’d be on one all day since I work full time at it if there was one…maybe we should start one.
great! I’ll be on here all the time.