LFO pause at the end of the loop

Hi guys! Is there an elegant way to make LFO chop “wait” at the end of the loop?

Reside and clamp is ok, but does not create correct LFO “ease out”.

How are you creating your loop? what is stopping? It is easy to turn off the ‘Play’ parameter on the LFO CHOP, but what behavior are you trying to get that is ‘ease out’?

If you have an example file you of where you are at this will help.

Here is what I’m trying to acchieve. I am looking for an elegant way to get the LFO chop output, but with a “stop” (orange line) between each loop.

This uses the timer to do what you want.
I do wish the lfo had some callbacks.

delay_lfo.toe (4.9 KB)

That is exactly what i wanted, thanks a lot! Timer is a tool i need to learn, also nice trick with a lookup. With small modifications i can use different easing functions as well.