License temporarily

Dear all,
I am a student and will finish my diploma interaction design this june. I am using the tool NON-COMMERCIAL License of touchdesigner. In June I need to make a presentation about my thesis and show my work with touchdesigner, but the resolution of 1280x1280 is to low. I already asked the stuff from derivative if there would be another possibility for me and they told me to ask this in the forum. So I’ll do that! :slight_smile: So is someone out there, which would let me use their license for one month? I could pay you an amount for the usage of the time. The educational would cost me 300 Dollars, but I can not afford this amount of money at the moment. Later on maybe, but not now.

Thanks a lot for any help!

Welcome to the forum @romina97 - can you say a little more about what challenges you’re running into with the resolution limits? In some cases, a little clever ingenuity can help you get satisfactory results even with the lower resolution.

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Hey thanks @raganmd ! :slight_smile: At the end I want to make interactive videoprojection at a wall. So I have a videofile in the background and over that i have a container with the flowemitter in combination with the kinect. I have some details in the video which would be much nicer with a higher resolution than just 1280x720. Would there be a trick? :slight_smile:

There are always good tricks for this kinds of challenges @romina97.

One thing you might consider is to break your video into segments and synchronize their playback. At first, this may seem like an inconvenience - but having worked on projection projects of all sizes it’s not uncommon that you sometimes have to break apart your video into pieces. So while you can’t play back an HD video, you could certainly playback 2 x 1280 videos and synchronize their movefile in TOPs.

Similarly, while your single TOP resolution is limited, your container COMP resolution isn’t - so just like you can similarly stitch together multiple container’s to make a larger canvas. In fact, for large projection work - or when working with multiple outputs - this is part of a typical workflow.

This might actually be a good opportunity to learn some more advanced techniques while you work around this particular limitation. One of the things I love about TouchDesigner is that it helps you realize that there isn’t single “right” way to solve a problem… there are lots of ways to approach challenges.

If you get stuck, there are lots of folks here on the forum that are willing to help. :slight_smile:

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Take a look at this example to see how you might think about syncing and tiling your video:

base_sycn_and_tile.tox (1.5 KB)


Oh wow yes this is perfect! Didn’t thought about that. So the comps aren’t limited and I just can sinc the tops. I’ll try that thanks a lot for your help and the example file! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: