I’m attempting to build a Lissajous synth in Touch. I have previously built a 2d version in Max and would like to build a 3d version in Touch.
Three audio oscillators need to be sampled. The samples then have to fill a table with 3 columns and a user defined number of rows, when the table is full it starts at the beginning again. I’ve tried to use a an oscillator chop connected to a resample chop and then using a chopto DAT but haven’t been able to figure out a way to turn a single column/row stream of values into a table with a defined number of rows. After the values are in a Table the synth then needs to draw either lines or polygons (or nurbs?). Also I am not quite sure how to use a Table to draw polygon is there a standard way?
If anyone has any suggestions I would totally appreciate it.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lissajous_curve shows some basic lissajous curves. I can also upload a standalone version of the 2d synth I built if someone would like to check it out.
you can skip the step of using a Table Dat for this all together by just using the channels as a input to a Channel SOP.
The Channel SOP should be connected to a Line SOP with the point parameter set to the number of samples from your Oscillator CHOP. Just rename the channels from the 3 oscillators to tx, ty and tz and the setup should do exactly what you want.
In case you need more samples then the default 735 samples provided by the Oscillator CHOP, use a Trail CHOP, just be carefull because its Window Length parameter is set to 4s as default so that would equal to 176400 samples…
thanks Markus that is a very easy way to do exactly what I wanted to do. I have another question, I would like to frequency modulate one of the three oscillators by a fourth oscillator. I found I am able to amplitude modulate by using math modules and I’ve tried to frequency modulating by exporting the channel of an oscillator to the frequency parameter of another but found that it didn’t work properly. I imagine that chop exporting can only go so fast (project sample rate? 60hz?) so modulating an audio wave’s frequency with another audio wave at a relatively high frequency is not possible. Is there a way to frequency modulate an oscillator in Touch?
Also using the reset input on the oscillator chop is acting strangely. I will get a 2 dimensional circle if have the oscillator’s set to the following parameter’s;
If I then connect a chop to the reset input on the each of the oscillator chops and change the chan1 parameter from 0 to 1 it sync’s all the oscillator’s phase and a diagonal line is created and the phase parameter of the second oscillator is still set to .25. A diagonal line should happen if all the oscillators are in phase but the second oscillator’s phase is set to .25 so it should be the circle if the second oscillator’s triggered waveform is .25 of the length of the period of the wave. I can think of some workarounds for the phase but thought I would mention it.
“imagine that chop exporting can only go so fast (project sample rate? 60hz?) so modulating an audio wave’s frequency with another audio wave at a relatively high frequency is not possible. Is there a way to frequency modulate an oscillator in Touch?”
The parameter “Smooth Pitch Changes” was intended to do this, where the pitch would be altered for ever sample of the channel that’s driving the Base Frequency. Is that not happening? I just tried it and it doesn’t… we’ll look into it more.
thanks Greg, I’m not sure how much work it would be but I thought that a good way to do FM would be to have a fourth input on the Oscillator CHOP that another Oscillator could be connected, to modulate the frequency. Also I noticed in your example that you’re using a math chop to adjust the range of the second oscillator in your example, would setting the amplitude on the second oscillator chop have the same effect? (amplitude 500?)