Windows 10.
23680 was my latest commercial license and I just updated it today. So I downloaded the newest version but the lister pallete is no longer responsive. It works, but any entries using the lister takes about 8 seconds before it responds again. In the old version, it was immediately responsive.
I do have a linked table dat with about 700 rows. I’ve found the culprit but not sure how to fix it. In the lister - script1 callbacks: If I disable line 19 and 20
for d in parent.Lister.Data[parent().AutoHeaderRows:]:
scriptOp.appendRow(['' if d[c] is None else d[c] for c in cols if c in d])
It becomes responsive and quick again, but I lose some abilities that my lister had. I can attach my file if you need it.
I think to narrow that one down further try a couple variants of that for loop:
tempList = []
for d in parent.Lister.Data[parent().AutoHeaderRows:]:
tempList += [ list( range(10) ) ) ]
for d in parent.Lister.Data[parent().AutoHeaderRows:]:
scriptOp.appendRow( list( range(10) ) )
tempList = []
for d in parent.Lister.Data[parent().AutoHeaderRows:]:
tempList += [ ['' if d[c] is None else d[c] for c in cols if c in d] ]
my guess is that the way that data is accessed in the backend for TD changed in a way that made that complex list comprehension do a lot more work than it used to - not sure though!
If you have a chance, curious how performance varies for A,B, and C.