I’ve done that using the Pipe In Chop, we found some good documentation in the /touch/docs/pipe folder in the Touch install directory. Pretty much just copied the source code examples into the program generating positional data, set up the ports and it worked, took about 1/2 hour. This was with a custom program running a depth sensing camera (like Natal), don’t know what the process would be like using PhaseSpace.
You can prototype it if you can send the mocap data via TCP/IP to the TCPIP In DAT.
Format it as one ASCII message per joint, body, angle… up to you … mocap data is typically around 100 floats…
Parse it with a script, maybe similar to the way the example in the wiki for the Multi Touch In DAT works. A script gets called for every message, and from that you fill a table containing the mocap data in TouchDesigner. You can convert that table to CHOPs (DAT to CHOP) or export directly from the DAT (type DAT Export in wiki).