Hello Everyone, my name is Alain Lores 3D & motion graphics background getting into mapping with touch designer
in a nutshell i’m mapping live video and outputting it to two projectors. The signal from each projector must be unique since each will have a forced perspective. I’m very new to touch just trying to get a grasp of what i can do.
Live video feed to computer (HDMI) Does anyone recommend any video capture cards?
Input live feed to TouchDesigner - Does TouchDesigner input live video signal? How would i go about getting this signal?
3D mapping (corner pin) Any resources i could use to do this task?
output to two projectors How will i go about doing this in touch designer once i have everything mapped?
Sure, just plug in a camera via whatever input your Windows OS will support…If Windows can see it, then Touch should be able to.
Try a search for Kantan Mapper on the forums and look at the Corner Pin TOP, and in the tool browser look for “Stoner”
What are you trying to achieve? A single image blended across two projectors? Or two separate outputs? Most of this is defined in the Window Comp by setting your displays properly and making sure Windows knows which display is which. Touch will be able to pick up on that and give you some options.
It comes down to your graphics card’s capabilities as well
So i was able to get a live HD webcam feed into touch, then map with Katan mapper. There was no need for frame blending on this project, so it would be two separate outputs.
In my working touch comp, how could i set 2 separate outputs? I’ve learned a lot so far on how the nodes work and comping, but i cant figure out the best way to output my result.
Thanks for the example file. I realize i actually need 1 output that spans across 3840X1080. I have two projectors creating a single display(1) whats the best way to do this?
Also as i’m outputting can i edit nodes in realtime?
I realize that my version of touch designer “non commercial” outputs 2000X1080. I guess this is why i’m not able to successfully fit it perfectly with 3840X1080.
I guess this should be my opportunity to buy. Any thoughts?