FIXED:Loading external tox overrides docked OP

When docking an OP to a COMP, saving thath comp then as a tox and reloading it, overrides the docking and deletes the docked OP.

All your base docked OPs are belong to us :space_invader:

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Anything new on this?
Would be great if it least one of the two things happens: Keep the docked component or store the docked component into the tox and load it accordignly on reload.
But right now its just killing the docked component which is kinda annoying.

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This should be fixed in the next posted build, 2020.24950 and later.
That is, preserves the original docked operators in tact.

Awsome work ! Thanks alot :slight_smile:

When I externalize a COMP that has a docked component and then drag the .tox file to a Touchdesigner project it doesn’t inlcude the docked component. Is this the expected behavior? I’m using v2022.31030

Yes, unfortunately docked nodes are not included in externally saved .tox files, everything must be inside the component.