Looking for good tutorials on importing USD models

Elburz’s USD toy soldier import tutorial works fine but I have had trouble getting textures displaying with other models.


Has anyone seen good tutorials on USD import into touch? Or how to fix missing textures. Geometry is ok usually.


Have you gone inside the USD COMP and located the textures to see if they are loading? If they are missing due to wrong location on disk, you can use the USD callback to edit those paths on loading. It could also be assigning them to the Materials where the texture isn’t working. Anyways, going inside to see where your textures are failing would get you to the next step of figuring out the problem.
Post the USD if possible.

Thanks Ben. I have been poking around inside some of these USD files but they seem to differ quite a bit i structure. I am currently trying to assign textures manually piece by piece to just the geometry part on my own. I will do as you say and have a look at the callbacks. As you know I am not good at python yet, so was hoping using USD with linked textures would speed this all up…

The sketchfab model is too big to post. Do you know of any good tutorials on working with USD?

edit - Ok I did some looking and I can’t fully understand how it is supposed to load textures but it does seem they are not reading from Maps folder. I have put them in a project Image folder and will try to assign some manually for now but there is so much geometry on this one it will be tedious. Here are a few screenshots of the structure.

Anyway I got it sorted out manually. Perhaps this USD file is not formatted properly. Still interested in good USD tutorials however…

If you can share the file to me via email I’d take a look. If it loads into Houdini or Blender correctly would be a good quick file test. Contact Us | Derivative