Looking for quadro family laptop with a mini pcie port

have been looking all day… need this in about a week or so or I am going to have to bring a bulky ass server on planes with me all summer long.

I need a portable solution for using my datapath capture cards… I am looking to stay within the quadro family as I do a good amount of 3d work on the road in between my gigs…

this pretty much limits me to boxx laptops and a couple other places that seem to be copying boxx… however none of these seem to have an option for pcie slots… frustrating

anyone have any advice before i buy a mac book pro and dumb it down to resolume for a tour cycle?

magma makes a cool three slot thunderbolt pci expansion bay… tempting… but the mac book pro is kind of a joke for almost 4 grand… would much rather spend 6 and get the goods.

an update to my search

this is the connection I am planning on using

I was surprised to find that Dell offers a workstation laptop which can support the nvidia quadro 5000m with 4g

32 g ram
2 solid state drives and one mssd. you can even add a fourth in a cd bay chassy

and… it has my port.

has anyone messed with the dell laptops?

Dell Precision M6700 Mobile Workstation
dell.com/us/business/p/preci … 732493&p=1

I guess it was dumb to spend a day looking at gaming laptops rather than check out who nvidia recommended… but I still am curious as to whether or not anyone uses the Dell stuff around here


Not sure about the port requirement, but Sager and Origin are worth checking out, I have an Origin and it’s great. Pretty sure you can get both with a k5000m, again not 100% sure about the ports you need though.

I really wanted the origin… but they do not offer a pcie slot option :imp:

I will check Sager Thanks!

I’m hoping origin hops on the Thunderbolt bandwagon soon, then an origin with a Magma chassis will be truly drool worthy… keep me posted on how you fair and who you end up choosing.

Im going to be snagging two dell m6700’s with k5000m cards and 32 gigs of ram

they were the only laptops I could find with the port besides that stupid HP

I really hope origin jumps on the wagon as well…

thanks for the help!

Here’s hoping! No worries, would love to hear your impressions on the Dell workstations.

We’ve used the Dell workstation laptops previously in the past and they have always proven reliable. The Precision Mobile Workstations are well constructed.

Would love to hear back from you once you receive them and put them through their paces with TouchDesigner!

been super stable all through testing… bout to set it out into the wild this weekend :smiley: