Lookup CHOP value

wasnt sure about the title.
basically i have 2 CHOP operators.
First operator holds one value and the other holds all possible values.
I would like to set the corresponding channel value of the second operator to one.
very poor description i think, but here is a screenshot. So in this case channel 41 should be one.
its basically a comparison. if any of the channel names of the 2nd operator match the value of the first then those channel values should be one.

feels like i am getting closer, but not sure if this is the simplest way

match_value.toe (4.2 KB)

it works, but seems complicated. its not very straightforward to do these sort of comparisons in TD.

match_value.1.toe (4.1 KB)

Hi @papsphilip,

wondering how big the value might get? For a smaller value - let’s say maybe to 100 you could make use of the Fan CHOP in combination with a Replace CHOP:

Append a Fan CHOP to your single value CHOP and set the Channel Names parameter to something like chan[0-100] now the channel with the index of the input value will be on.
For the values coming from the table convert to a DAT as you did and append a rename to prepend a “chan” value - basically you are trying to come up with the same “namespace” for both CHOP branches. Now use a replace which will replace any channel from the first input with the matching channels in the second input.

Low number I mentioned as with large amount of channels - like thousands - the Fan CHOP can become a bit sluggish.


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much more elegant solution, thanks @snaut!
my values are going to be up to 110 or something, so Fan CHOP will be alright

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