Looping text getting out from the screen

Hello all,

Very basic problem. I want a text to scroll from right to left (managed to do that with a simple transform) but I also want that when a part of the text gets out from the screen on the left it comes back on the right as illustrated bellow.

How can I achieve this ? Thanks

Hi @AAAVisuals,

there might be a simple solution or maybe what you are looking for is rather complex :slight_smile:

If this is just a string that is never longer than the whole texture width, you can utilize a Transform TOP and set the Extend parameter to “Repeat”. Now offsetting the texture with the Transform TOP’s Translate parameters will have the desired looping effect.

This becomes a totally different story if you have text that is longer than the screen is wide.
We’d have to make some descisions:
Should it start looping right after the text is finished or should there be some space between the last letters and before the text starts again?
Will the text be continuously updated with new content and old content is removed when off screen?

I’m not sure if a ticker tape component exists out there but might be worthwhile searching for it.


No the text will only be one word so this is perfect thanks !

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