Low FPS on new Nvidia Laptop

Big fan of Touch Designer and am a beginner just getting started with the program. I recently switched from Mac to PC. However, I recently have not been able to get TD to work on my computer correctly. Even just opening touch Designer, my FPS drops to 30. Most of my projects drop to 4-5 FPS.

I recently invested in the following laptop

Asus Zephyrus Duo (It has a build-in screen)
Intel® Core ™ i7-10875H @ 2.3GHz
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super with Max-Q Design
32 Gig of Ram

I have tried:

  • Playing with the Nvidia Control Panel settings - setting everything to high-performance
  • Turning off G-Sync
  • Playing with the power setting
  • Working with the laptop plugged in
  • Turning off the secondary screen
  • I updated drivers manually
  • Switched to studio drivers

From what I understand in task manager my computer is only using 1-9% of my GPU while using touch designer.

I have played games on the laptop and have not had any problems

I have not seen any improvements. Any recommendations?

Attached you will find the toe I am using the screenshots of the task manager.

TestParticleshapeV3.5 (1) (1).toe (5.3 KB)

The problem is not with your machine its with your network. Try turning down the life expectancy of your particles to 3 and the Birth to 3000. I am getting 60 fps on an RTX 2070 Super using those changes.

Someone else will be able to help you better for a more efficient method :slight_smile:

I doenst tested your project but, concerning particles, the particles Sop works only with CPU. If you want to make use of your GPU, try to use gpu particles. There is a lot of tutorials on the web.

Yes, what is killing you here is the ‘Split’ parameter on the Particle SOP, taking the system from ~16000 to well over 75000 particles. As mentioned above, the Particle SOP (almost all SOPs) are CPU based and as such point numbers are usually limited to the tens of thousands, this is just too much.

Check out the Palette>Tools?particleGPU for a GPU based particel system example. There are also many GPU particle examples on the Community feed and here in the forum.