Low resolution when using Nvidia Flow Emitter


I’m getting a very low resolution output when using the Nvidia Flow Emitter COMP and TOP. I’ve tried altering the Alpha Scale in the Material menu of the COMP as suggested here.

My PC has a RTX 3070. I’m using the Kinect Azure TOP with an Orbbec Femto Bolt camera. I’ve tried different combinations of resolution and pixel format in all TOPs. I’ve also altered the Sim Size parameter in the COMP, and this actually does help a little, but shrinks the viewable area shown by the Nvidia TOP. I don’t know a workaround for that, and even when setting the Sim Size very small (from 16 down to 1), the quality of the image is still quite poor.

I’ve attached the project file, a video, and some images of the settings in case anyone has time to weigh in here. Thanks either way for reading!

flow top settings
flow top setup
flow top volume shado
kinect res
Kinect Settings

Flow Emitter low res troubleshoot.1.toe (5.0 KB)

Hi @Final_Animal,

you could decrease the Sim Size parameter on the Nvidia Flow TOP. Smaller size blocks will require more blocks for the same size simulation. This increases accuracy but makes the simulation more taxing on the GPU as there are more blocks to calculate.


Hi Markus,

Thanks for taking a look! As I mentioned, I’ve altered the Sim Size as directed in the thread I posted to little avail unfortunately, although it did sharpen things slightly, and it also significantly reduces the viewable area of the TOP by essentially cropping the camera’s field of view.