Lunochod UI Designer - 2019-12-05 04:49

Lunochod UI Designer

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Update 1_29:

  • Fixed error that occurs when more then one UI element refferences the same external OP and gets deleted.

  • Fixed and error that when not overriding the target refference id.

  • Added a nonTabable parameter, allowing an UI Element to stay on all tabs not regarding the current selected one.

  • You can now select between fixed tab size and auto tab size.

  • Added a parameter to show custom and built in parameter for elements.

  • Added an Edit-Parameter, disabling all edit-functionality of the UI and no longer showing the Grid for a clean look.

Man you are magic! The most simple ui designer ever, big thank you!

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hi again!!

another great development from you!!
thank you a lot!

but, i dont know if it is possible the following:
i have a constant chop that gets the parameters from a txt file, and each time it has a different quantity of parameters. is it possible to create in lunochod a reference to put these values into the ui to control the equipments?

because, from what i see, i can only export the reference parameter into the ui. but i dont know if it is possible to be an automatic way to reference each time a different numbers of parameters.

best!! :v:

Hmmmm. Does it have to be a constant CHOP or ist it possible to just use CustomParameter? In this case you could wirte you setup as a JSON formatted text file and use TDJSON to create your custom parameter on startup.

The parameter could looke something like that:

“Ctrl”: {
“Master”: {
“name”: “Master”,
“label”: “Master”,
“page”: “Ctrl”,
“style”: “Float”,
“size”: 1,
“default”: 0.0,
“enable”: true,
“startSection”: false,
“readOnly”: false,
“enableExpr”: null,
“min”: 0.0,
“max”: 1.0,
“normMin”: 0.0,
“normMax”: 1.0,
“clampMin”: false,
“clampMax”: false
“Color”: {
“name”: “Color”,
“label”: “Color”,
“page”: “Ctrl”,
“style”: “RGB”,
“default”: 0.0,
“enable”: true,
“startSection”: false,
“readOnly”: false,
“enableExpr”: null,
“min”: 0.0,
“max”: 1.0,
“normMin”: 0.0,
“normMax”: 1.0,
“clampMin”: false,
“clampMax”: false
“Settings”: {
“Address”: {
“name”: “Address”,
“label”: “Address”,
“page”: “Settings”,
“style”: “Int”,
“size”: 1,
“default”: 1,
“enable”: true,
“startSection”: false,
“readOnly”: false,
“enableExpr”: null,
“min”: 0.0,
“max”: 1.0,
“normMin”: 1.0,
“normMax”: 512.0,
“clampMin”: false,
“clampMax”: false
“Footprint”: {
“name”: “Footprint”,
“label”: “Footprint”,
“page”: “Settings”,
“style”: “Int”,
“size”: 1,
“default”: 0,
“enable”: true,
“startSection”: false,
“readOnly”: true,
“enableExpr”: null,
“min”: 0.0,
“max”: 1.0,
“normMin”: 0.0,
“normMax”: 1.0,
“clampMin”: false,
“clampMax”: false

and to actually load the on startup use this:

TDJ = op.TDModules.mod.TDJSON
target_operator = op('RGBLightfixture')
json_obj = TDJ.textToJSON(op('filein1').text)
TDJ.addParametersFromJSONOp(target_operator, json_obj)

I find your tool really useful but experiment an error.

When I move a container which is an external tox. After add the tox in my Lunochod everithing is ok.
But after reload, I get a red cross…

The error is inside as it seems and i have a hush that it might be something about a non existing refference.
You do not have, by any chance, the “Reload tox on start”-Parameter and the “Reload Internal Parameters”-Parameter set to True in the external component?
If yes, you nee to turn it of as I rely heavily on the global op shortcut which gets overritten when the two parameters are set to true.

Gonna turn that stuff off automaticly!

Hi, I redo my test.

changing a container as “external .tox” works if I change one default parameter
load on demand : off (default)
reload tox on start : OFF (must be switch from default “on”)
reload custom param : on (default)
reload built in param : on (default)
save backup of external : on (default)

Thanks to quickly answering.