Im making a balls on grid. and I want to move balls with magnet op. and I set sphere to primitive in order to keep spheres figure.
and then I got result what I want, but it extreamly slow.
I want to draw more sphere. but I couldnt. Am I on wrong way? If so, What do I have to do? Im not familiar with 3D. but I`m prepared to learn anything.
Do you want to post your toe file?
Might be a way of reducing the number of points the metaballs distort, and later
instancing spheres back on as a final step.
Instead of rendering all the spheres as geometry, I deformed a field of single points instead, then converted the single points to a CHOP, and used that data to instance multiple copies of the original sphere.
My test case went from 26fps to 60fps. (50 x 50 spheres).
A second test with 100x100 spheres (turning off all unnecessary tile viewers):
original → 10 fps
instancing → 29 fps
Great rob. Thanks very much.
It works good even my poor system.
I learned a lot of things from your answers .
btw the picture above, it look like fabric surface,
I wonder those scene created similar way.
If there are more things I have to check out to create scene like that, let me know, It would be great help to me like super beginner.
Glad it worked.
Another area is maybe using Noise SOPs/CHOPs or perhaps TOPs to create the deformations, instead of the magnet SOPs.
Maybe even adding a few on top of each other for layered effects.