Maincubemap in shadertoy

Hello to all
Is there a solution to convert maincubemap?
Like what’s in this shader

Hi @Sina_dallal_gadim,

have a look at the wiki article on writing a GLSL TOP, especially the Sampler section:


thank you
I read it
I think it should be by sTD3DInputs[TD_NUM_3D_INPUTS]; Enter the shader
But how should the maincubemap itself be converted?

Hi @Sina_dallal_gadim,

are you looking for a way to generate a cubemap? You can use the Projection TOP to convert from for example a Equirectangular texture to a Cube Map.


Yes, I am familiar with that method
My problem is that I don’t know when dealing with such shaders
How to convert them? Can you convert an example to learn?

Hi @Sina_dallal_gadim,

sorry, I misread your question. The GLSL TOP is currently not able to output CubeMap textures.

It seems like the cubemap is storing volumetric data of a 128x128x128 voxel grid. You could try saving the same data into a 2D Texture array which can be generated with a GLSL TOP and then pass this on into another GLSL TOP generating the final image.

Hope this helps a bit