Making a glass prism effect

I’ve been trying to find a way to create an effect similar to what you can find on Joe Ryba’s instagram. (Can’t post links here unfortunately!)
The goal is to create a see-through glass prism material and apply it to different objects and models that I’m using. The objects would have a color gradient that morphs between the colors of the rainbow but would also be semi-transparent.
I hope that makes sense…
HDRi maps are not it - at least I don’t think they are. I’d love to hear your ideas!


I built a quick demo of this a while back while learning about the glsl refract() function. Using refract() and a glsl mat to render the environment onto the object is how this example works.
glass2.toe (105.0 KB)

edit: sorry it’s so messy in there :sweat_smile:

edit2: (many moons later) bigger balls behind the monkey. it’s always bugged me.


Absolute legend. Naming my first born son after you!