Manipulate obj surfaces

I need to optimize a project where I work with SOPS: OBJ + noise+facet. The result interests me but it is very expensive to process on the CPU. The problem is that when I pass it to points and work with instances I lose the possibility of manipulating the surface in a similar way to how I do it with SOPS. Can anyone give me a clue as to what techniques I can apply that are similar to what I have with SOPS?

One way is to displace your points with your material, that would happen on gpu. Depending on the normals of your object and your desired effect, you can either use the “Displace Vertices” of a phong or pbr MAT; up to coding your own displacement in a glsl MAT.

I believe Stas made some videos on vertex shader and displacement :
exsstas - YouTube
All files from his videos are available on github.

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