Hello all,
I imported a minecraft world in TD using the FBX comp after converting it to a .obj format.
As I wanted it created separate Geometry COMP for each Minecraft material. For example here is the Import select containing the stone geometry :
Now my problem : I want to modify this geometry and make the mountains (highlighted in yellow) taller.
But I have not found a way to manipulate the data coming from this import select. what I tried : to convert the import select using a sopto and recreate a mesh but it doesn’t work (it is in the .tox).
If I cant directly change the import select data can I change it’s input ? Meaning the data that must be embedded in the .obj ?
I have linked the .my simplified .tox here :
Mincraft to TD.1.toe (14.6 KB)
The .obj (too heavy) is downloadable here : trees and mountains.obj - Google Drive
Any help appreciated even if the solution not at all like I planned to. I just want to be able to change the geometry of the imported Minecraft world in certain regions.
Thanks !
Do you need these changes to happen in real time ? I think this kind of modifications can be quicker in a 3D software like Blender.
Otherwise, for this very particular case of making mountains taller, you can append a group sop to the mesh and select only vertices above a certain height and use a transform sop which lets you apply a transformation to only a selected group.
But then I don’t know what other edits you’ll want to make, hence I think Blender will me more suited.
Yes forgot to mention but I want this to be audio reactive so in real time. As you mentioned it is easier to do it on blender and I know how to proceed but it is then not real time :[
Will try to play with the SOP group thanks for the tip !
Also came across this project that kinda represent what I want to achieve in TD
If you want to do something in realtime you’ll need geo instancing. (see instancing example for Geo COMP in Help->Operator Snippets)
You could try to extract all the positions of the minecraft blocks and their material type,and then use those positions to instance a single minecraft block in TD to every 3d position where a block is in your map. If the shape of every minecraft block is the same (is it?) you can instance a single block and only change textures depending on what minecraft material it is, otherwise you’ll need to instance a separate SOP minecraft block for each different shape.