Based on what I’ve learned at Mutek Workshop – Movie playback techniques
I’m trying to develop a basic media player that:
- current movie are always looping
- there is a button for load each movie via script
- when the button is clicked, there is a crossfade transition between current video and the video I want to load
- after transition, the old video is unloaded
Could you help me on these:
What are the steps so I trigger with the button nor only the load of the new movie, but the transition animation in one second and after that, the unload of the old video?
I think crossfade will happen in a TOP blending two inputs: movie 1 and movie 2.
Maybe I have to swap inputs everytime I click a button, so the new video is always the second input and the old is always the first input that fades out. Am I thinking right? How can I do that?
Thank you!