I’m using media pipe in a project for the first time for an interactive project. I’m using media pipe to track hands “flapping”, so the bird on screen will copy it’s movements but is there anyway that I could do after 5 seconds of no user movement the bird on screen will go back to the rigged flapping wings instead of relying on the user.
Hi @neeve16,
Look at what channels are useful to determine if a hand is tracked or not. For example is there a set of channels where all of them are 0 if a hand is not tracked? You could combine all of these channels (add them together) and if they are 0, start counting up and execute some action after n seconds. If the combined channel is non-zero, reset the counting operator.
Useful operators can be the Speed CHOP or the Timer CHOP with the benefit of the Timer CHOP that it comes with callbacks you can utilize if required.