I’m not sure what a good way to get the midi note numbers from each note that’s played from ableton. I’ve got a select-CHOP getting the midi notes from live using the path “midi/t1/TdaMIDI/ch1/note_”, but I can’t seem to actually get the midi note numbers for each note as they are played.
can anyone please help? I’ve searched the forums/internet for similar questions but can’t find anything that matches.
Yes I have, thank you. I read through the TDAbleton document again. Using the TDAbleton abletonMIDI component I am getting the notes sent from live as they are played, using a select to only get the channels that match " midi/t1/TdaMIDI/ch1/note_".
The ‘channels’ for each note have the note number, and it looks like for every note’s ‘channel’ data I can get the velocity information for each note. But I’m not sure how I can get the actual midi note number for each note as it’s received, basically I want to create a channel with the midi note numbers.
I’m thinking I may be able to get it from the channel name or something but haven’t found it yet.
@vibber Thanks, ‘last note data’ is helpful. But there are cases where multiple notes will be playing, and some end longer than others etc. I’m not sure that it will work
@Ivan the end goal of what I want to do is this: - YouTube
(built this with Max/Jitter but want to build it in touch designer because it’s so much better)
I want to use midi note number to control the position of geometry, and arrange the notes in a grid of 12 notes per row with maybe 10 columns. So for example midi note number 60 would be the 0th index of the 5th row, 61 would be the 1st index of the5th row.
I realize I can get note numbers from the abletonMIDI callback, but I’m not sure how to ‘send’ the values to an operator. I’m also not completely sure what operators I could use. Still very new to touch designer