Midi Out Chop Not Working

Hello Everyone,

I am having some trouble getting the MIDI out chop to show any value. I am trying to link it to a virtual synth in FL Studio. When I change the destination to audio file the chop will receive data but that will not work with sending midi to FL Studio. Please see the screenshot attached showing the network paths.

Its easier if you send also a tox to understand exactly whats is your process. Your screen capture is too blured as to read properly how your rename it :frowning:

Be sure that when you name your channel, the prefix of your controler matches the prefix in the midiOut Chop.

midiOut.tox (614 Bytes)

Hi @jacqueshoepffner thank you for offering your help.

Here is a zip containing the project file and the Mediapipe components. I am using Mediapipe to get the values of the hand tracking into MIDI so I can send that to FL Studio to control parameters of a virtual synth.

I need access for the file

Sorry, just updated the permission.

I downloaded your file but cannot run it because there is no possibility to choose my camera (kinect 2) as entry for media pipe. It works when I open tje tox but not with the tox inside MeidiOut Chop.toe.
If I make a very simple patch as in this one: lfo chop (pulse), trigger chop, rename chop (ch1n64), midiout chop (loopmidi) and have Ableton Live with one midi channel receiving loopmidi and a grand piano instrument, it works perfectly.
In any case, I recommend you to have separate tested elements particulary one working only with midiout with somme pattern played and sent to your musical software.
In your patch the problem is you name the channel “chan” in rename chop and its tagged “ch” in the midiiout chop.
According both, preferably to “ch”, most standardized, it would works, I presume.
Have a nice day.
MidiOutChopSimple.toe (3.9 KB)