MIDI Out to ETC Express 24/48 Lighting console

Hi all,

I’m pretty new to MIDI in general, so I though this would go well in the beginners forum. I’m trying to send MIDI signal to an ETC Express 24/48 to trigger a submaster “bump” effect; essentially an effect on a toggle button if we were doing this in Touch. To fire the submaster effect, according to the manual the triggering note should be:

MIDI Message definitions
Submaster bump switch execution
Submasters 1 - 12 C5 - B5 #60 - #71
Submasters 13 - 24 C6 - B6 #72 - #83
Note: C5 = MIDI note #60 or middle C

(on page 280 of this manual: theatre.uwinnipeg.ca/download/lx/expressman.pdf)

In Touch, I’ve set up a MIDI Out to have a channel with the name of ch1n60 (using a button, a null and a rename), and when the value changes between 0 to 1, that should be sending note #60 (submaster 1) to the lighting console. I’ve mapped my MIDI cable to channel 1, and the cable appears to see a MIDI message every time I fire the note. When I switch back to my audio card, I do hear middle C play over my speakers too… I’ve gone back and looked at the documentation of the lighting console and I think I’ve setup things on that side properly as well, but I’m still not getting the effect to work.

Anyone ever control an ETC Express with Touch? I’d love some advice!



Are you sure you dont need to send a value of 127 to trigger the bump? Midi note velocity ranges from 0 - 127, so the console may be ignoring it. Unless i’ve understood incorrectly. Try using a math chop to scale up the toggle value.