MIDI setup - experimental build


I am trying to set up a midi device in the latest build with little luck. In MIDI Device Mapper I see signal and can learn sliders, I then try to save that and get a ‘not found’ message. I tried to simply select midiInMap as I have done with earlier versions but touch complains that it cant open the device. (Akai MPD24).

Has anyone been succesfull wit MIDI control in the experimental build?


What build number are you using? We posted a new experimental built 2314 last night with a new MIDI mapper that works with the overhauled MIDI operators. This new dialog help you create a Device ID which you can then refer to in the MIDI In/Out CHOPs and MIDI In DAT.

One caveat, in your current .toe files, you need to replace /local/midi with the one found in build 2314 (scripts have changed). Open a new empty TouchDesigner session and copy /local/midi into any current .toe files you have.

The new system does not have ‘Learn’ functions yet, so you may have to create your own Device Preset for the Akai using the presets found in /sys/devices/midi as a template. the UI for user created presets is next on our list to do.

Great i’ll try that.

I actually just got things to work in build 2094 by manually pointing to a device other than oxygen8 in local/MIDI/device. Not perfect but it is working.

I’ll try the experimental out.