Minimum configuration


Hello everyone, it’s my first post here. What would be the minimal sensible configuration to run Touch Designer on? I’m currently on a not-very-touch-designer-friendly mac and I’m considering buying a used laptop solely to learn Touch Designer. Obviously I’m not going to do anything really complex for a while and if get to that level - I’m ready to upgrade. I just wouldn’t like to invest some serious money only to find out that I’m not really into TD as much as I thought I would be. So, what would be your recommendations for a second hand laptop? What’s important? What to look for?


Nvidia graphics card, 8000 series or higher is the key point. After that CPU and Memory, but you’ll get what you pay for. Everything should ‘work’ fine regardless, it just may be slow. With the GPU if you go too old TouchDesigner may not even start up.

Has anyone got recent experience / advice on sourcing a minimum spec mini PC that can run Touch?

Researching for a set of Mac Mini like PCs.



Nothing I can think of easy. You could always buy one of those HTPC setups and put in a single slot sized card parallel to the mobo using one of those pci-e extender things. Or taking the same approach to a 1U rack unit. I’ve been thinking about it, but Shuttles and the Silverstone SG02 are small enough for me most of the time.

We use the zotac mini pcs and they’re really really good actually. Just sent 4 out on a job with quad HD res video in it

Ah nice. Basically a laptop in a tiny box, that’s pretty great! Thanks for the tip


All this in a pc the size of a hardback book.

Ya that’s the one I was looking at. Looks good.

Thanks Richard, really helpful.

Has anyone got a supplier for those Zbox EN760s recommended? Can’t find them anywhere.

Looks like we’ll go with some of the lower spec ZBOX ID45s (don’t need too much grunt for this show) but would love to know if they’ve been roadtested by Touchers - i.e. NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 w/2GB DDR3 … tions.html

Yep sent out 4 machines with these and they run pretty ok…they’re not the quickest in the world. Apparently our supplier has some of the EN760s in stock but we’re in the UK so I guess the shipping wouldn’t be the best :laughing:

I found these for Canada, newegg might be the best bet although I dont know if its fully in stock just yet: … 6883218042 … B00KX8P0NG … X-EN760-U/ … 37921.html

Hello, thanks for the helpful advices