the help says I can model in a viewer panel, viewing SOPs
I if I click on Viewer… on the operator nothing tells me I can model in it
If I set a pane to be a geometry viewer, only components are listed in the path - I can’t select the model sop in the path.
I’d stay away from the modeller for now. I don’t think the Derivative folk have the resources to make it good right now. There is no ‘undo’ for example.
I use version 017 for modelling then paste nodes back into 077.
This includes rigging a character - much better done in Houdini or maya etc. and brought in as fbx I think. I like touch’s modeller because I’ve never got the hang of any other ones but will probably get off my bum and learn maya soon.
I kinda know, but all I wanted to do was a “cross section” line, 10-15 points aligned in Z moved up and down to create a cross-section. Nothing fancy at all so I figured I could do that in Touch.
I guess I could do a table then pass it to an add sop.
The thing I really don’t like about values in table is that the navigation between fields is so awkward, tables are supposed to replace a lot of other ops in terms of defining values, but their manipulation is very clunky right now.