Moiré pattern when trying to create LED Wall aestetics

Hey dear community!

First Forum post here.
I´m trying to create a visualization of a LED Screen with the “points” acting as the single LED diodes on the wall. I have a fixed resolution I would like to preview. My way so far was to multiply the input video/image with spheres instanced on a grid (which has the resolution of the LED wall).

Now what obviously happens is I create a Moiré pattern, which is indeed nice to experiment with, but not in this approach. :slight_smile:

Here is the module I was trying to build. Maybe someone can even have usage of it, because I didn´t find anything related to simulating a LED Wall.

As I can´t post links here, i made a space between the chars in the link (hope I´m not doing something against the rules) :

Really looking forward to the solutions you guys come up with.

Best wishes and a wonderful week <3


Hi @bokimarkov,

welcome to the community! You should be able to post links and files now.

In case the final view is a “2D” frontal view, it might be easier to simulate the grid just in compositing.

Here I’m using a Constant TOP with the size 4x4 and a Transform TOP to offset the texture to move the white part into the lower right corner. This is then used as the first input to a Multiply TOP where the second input is the texture that should go onto the screen.
Setting the Pre-Fit Overlay to “Native Resolution” and the Extend Overlay parameter to “Repeat” will have the effect that the small 4x4 texture is repeated across the second input.
More on general compositing can be found in the OP Snippets and also in our collection of little learn videos at

A whole different thing would happen if you are planning on having a 3D preview. Something that could help is the idea that even for the human eye, an LED screen’s resolution at some distance becomes too high to distinguish single LEDs. You can make use of that by instancing not circles but just points and using a Line MATs point drawing and distance attenuation to change the parameters such that if your camera is very close to the screen, the LEDs are distinguishable but LEDs far away from the camera become a solid surface. You will still face some Moire issues but you can find a happy medium in playing with Anti-Aliasing settings of the Render TOP and Smoothness parameters of the TOPs Common pages.

pixelSimVersion.tox (18.9 KB)


Dear Markus,

thank you so much for your answer! :blush: Was indeed thinking to change the strength according to the distance between camera and object - the Line Mat! That´s what will make it work.

Really glad to be part of such a helpful community - I might post a TOX of the LED visualizer for other folks to play around with.

Have a wonderful week Markus! :slight_smile:


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