That sounds like a good idea, albeit a lot of work. At the minimum it would be nice to have the commands that a specific to an operator, such as tabdelete and tabinsert for the Table DAT.
btw, answer is…
echo $myNewText > DAT:/project1/text1
The “DAT:” part is now optional, but I like using it for clarity. If you use >> it will append to text1 instead of overwrite using >.
I suspect that opens up a new world of fun and trouble for me.
I am toying with writng a file converter, partly as a string-mangling tutorial for myself, but also, I have a need to move old VRML models into Touch. Luckily, these are VRML files (*.wrl) that were generated by Maya or 3DS Max so I don’t need to implement the whole VRML language, just the part that handles index-face sets and the ‘interpolators’ that do the animation. The index face set tells the VRML browser where each point should be and what color it is, how textures get stuck to it etc. The interpolator takes a set of key fram info and tells the browser where all the points are moving to for a given time stamp in an animation cycle.
…so I think it’s feasible to do this with scripting in touch. um maybe not this morning though… hmmm, maybe not even this month coming to think of it…
I also think that there should be a reference for all the commands and expressions in the WIki linked to the tscript entries.
It should not be difficult to make an automated page generator in touch so that, each new build, you just run a script that does a foreach on the help and exhelp commands to make a text file.
I tried to make one that nicely formatted the results in html but I broke it somehow and had other things make me put off fixing it.
but the idea is that you could just run it once each new build to update whatever new stuff is in there.