working on a vj setup in touch that uses a skinny / tall container to hold a bunch of replicated containers, each container has the background top set to something different - a thumbnail.
I’m at 13 thumbnails, and when I scroll it drops the frame rate from 60+ to around 30. When I let go again it returns to 60+, so this is definitely going to be a bottleneck here soon as I add more animations to my library…
Anyone have any success or recommendations in handling this a different/better way?
Shortly after posting this question I realized that perhaps checking the tox examples in the palette browser might yield some helpful info:
I dug around in the imageScanner example, it performs quite admirably with almost no change in fps when scrolling even 100 images.
The difference was each image / container was set to a specific size via the clone master and I was setting expressions for width / height and position. So any scroll movement was causing the expressions to calculate and that gets costly quick!
Also I let the container layout the children items via the align drop down which greatly simplified things even more.
Sorry you had to navigate Tscript. Yes, unlike your thumbnails, this one preserves the aspect ratio of all the images as it’s designed to get random-res images from the web. This is more a gallery-style presentation versus a dense grid of small thumbnails, and it’s designed for images more than movies, but all movies/image collections are variations on some basic techniques.