Can touch do motion-blur? Any examples flowing around? Thanks. Achim
I’ve exposed enough OpenGL features that you should be able to implement a lot of the techniques out there. Do you need it to be realtime? If not you can get 100% perfect motion blur by rendering at a high framerate and blending groups of frames together evenly.
In this case I don’t need it to be realtime, but I’m not sure how to implement this part: “blending groups of frames together evenly.” Are there any TOPs suitable for this task?
It takes a few nodes and some GLSL (infact you may not need GLSL but I like using it to add other features)
Say you’re output is going to be 30FPS movie. Lets render at 300 FPS (just set the play bar to 300 fps and turn off real time). So at this frame rate every 1 outputted frame be a blend of 10 frames.
So using a Feedback TOP and a Add TOP (using 16 or 32 bit float pixel format), you just accumulate the frames together. Follow that with a GLSL TOP, and divide the pixel colors by 10 to bring them back into 0-1 range.
Use the Pause parameter in the Movie Out TOP to avoid writing out frames, and have it turn off every 10th frame. Also every 10th frame reset the accumulated values in the Feedback TOP so you have clean data for the next full frame. This is called temporal motion blur, and it gives amazing motion blur. Here’s the article I took the idea from.
thanks malcolm, it really looks amazing!
Regarding realtime motion blur, can you recommend a decent (but easy to implement) approach/paper?
Nothing easy offhand. I’ve done a geometry based one using geometry shaders, but that was quite difficult.
I’d suggest looking for a pixel based approach that writes movement velocities to the pixels, and then does a directional blur based on the per -pixel velocities. I know there are papers out there about it, don’t have a link on me though.
Here is a pixel based approach I found. I think its fairly accurate. I haven’t tested it so much, but looks decent. First slider is Motion Blur, second slider is additional blur. Also if you want to Composite your blur over/under the original image, thats included(just unwired) inside the Comp.
motionblur.tox (31.3 KB)
Unfortunately the blur doesn’t really stop when the input image stops moving, but for certain stuff this will be sufficient. Thanks for sharing this jeffers.