Mouse control camera only works inside local comp

I’m using Build 2018.23760
This might not be a bug, but certainly is limiting strange limiting behavior.
The problem comes from a camera control rig I made that takes in mouse position from a container comp and feeds it into a base comp (/project1/QuetzlCoatl/camControl) for some processing (make a momentum based camera controller ) before piping into the camera transform. It works, but only when the base comp is open (ie when I’ve navigated in the network into the base comp). Once I leave the base comp (camControl), it fails.
To replicate the bug,

  1. go to the container comp project1/QuetzCoatl. Right Click > View (it pops up).
  2. navigate into /project1/QuetzlCoatl/camControl
  3. Right click on the open window and drag. Camera should orbit and you see the dragon tumbling.
  4. navigate up out of the the camControl comp. Now right click on the open window, and interactivity will fail.

I suspect that the problem lies with the feedback chops I’m using for the momentum system. When I disable them, it sort of works (when I leave the container). Maybe I need to store persistant data in some other way, such as storage?
Also other strange things that break the system: switch in the Input OP order on any math chops within the camControl comp. This seems like buggy behavior.

Ultimately I want to be able to interactively tumble the rendered output. Is there a better way to do this? (9.74 MB)

We will take a look at why this is happening (might take a bit, sorry), but in the meantime have you tried the arcBallCamera in the Palette > Tools section? Just make the viewer active and tumble away! This might be a good place to start building your own.

thanks Ben!
that is exactly what I was looking for, right under my nose.