Mouse Selection issues in 29850/windows 11

It’s hard to explain exactly what’s going on, but my colleagues have reported the same issues. It’s almost as though the mouse will at random “unclick” itself if you attempt to select multiple operators. Middle mouse button/zooming seems to be related. I generally can’t connect up operators while changing zoom levels, which is a big problem for large networks At first I thought my mouse was literally broken. Unfortunately this has made navigating the gui extremely difficult.

Relatedly, dragging operations on the animation editor (particularly if you use the middle mouse button to zoom) locks the mouse into a state that forces me to close touchdesigner. This is a huge issue as I rely upon the animation editor and it now seems nearly totally broken with this latest issue. Are these known issues/is there a known release that still works?

Hey @mji

I think there is a few different issues in your post here, so I’ll try to break them down.

  1. Unclick when selecting multiple operators
    You mean that you select a group of operators, and then if you want to move them around they all get unselected ?

  2. Can’t connect operator when zoom in / out
    This was recently reported and being looked into

  3. Dragging operators on the animation editor locks the mouse in a state…
    This one seems to be the most frustrating. Do you have any specific steps to reproduce ? Can you reproduce reliably ? Is it happening in a very specific file or even in a new empty / default project file ? I’ve tried a few things on my end but cannot seem to reproduce. A video would be helpful.


Hi Michel,
I didn’t have a chance to more properly document yesterday, but I’ll do what I can to make videos demonstrating the above issues on monday. Yes, I think you’ve summarized the problems well. My assumption had been that they may all have a common root cause since they all cropped up at the same time and all seem to involve the mouse right/middle clicking the mouse.

Hi Michel,
What’s the easiest way for me to share a video here?

Hey @mji

You could drag n drop the file here likely or maybe if it’s too big share a link to a google drive / dropbox / WeTransfer - anything that’s best for you :slight_smile:
