Hi everyone, I recently got myself to study Touch Designer and I’ve been going through @raganmd tutorials but I’ve encountered a hurdle in the Youtube video “Day 1 - Your First Movie Player 5/6” (Day 1 - Your First Movie Player 5/6 - YouTube)
At 14:00, I’ve followed the instructions where I export the value of math2 to the knob, unfortunately the slider goes off the viewer after exporting it. Tried to track back and troubleshoot but with no success. Can someone advise on what I’m doing wrong?
Thank you!
I’ve uploaded my toe. file here for reference
Hi @Zulamran - Matthew here.
I think the piece that’s causing you problems is part of some changes that have happened in 099.
If you look closely at your knob container you should see that there’s an expression driving the anchor:
That expression is also at play while your export is working here as well. The result is that you get a knob that flys off your container. Turning off that expression (click the little gray box), should make things right as rain for you:
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Hi @raganmd, that worked perfectly! Thank you and I just want to give a shout out to your tutorials, they make Touch Designer much more approachable for me and many others.
Keep going!
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