Movie sequence with timeline and varying speed


Mostly I didn’t use video for sequence in TD, but I trying to find the way to movie sequence in TD

I want to bind the movie timeline in TD, play mode with Locked in Timeline or specify index, (to check the start and ending video quickly)

but the problem is both play mode option doesn’t have control over the speed of the video.

I want to change the speed, and trim of the start and end of the video to make the sequence.

Does anyone who knows to using varying speed with locked in timeline mode?

You can set the trim start and end points on the Trim page of the Parameter Window of the Movie File In TOP.

Is there a specific reason you want to use “locked to timeline”?
If it’s about starting the video at a specific frame, you can do so for instance using a Timeline CHOP to see the current frame number, and then a Logic CHOP set to “off when outside bounds” to trigger on a specific frame, and use that to start your movie.
If you then set Movie File In TOP to sequential you set the speed parameter dynamically.

Another option is to use specify Index. Then create an animation curve (Animation COMP) with the speed variations and start & end point you desire, and use that curve to drive the index of the Movie File In TOP.

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