MovieOut + Sound / BUG or HELP

Hi all

There is a long time i have been struggling with the movie out top. I still did not manage to export Sound + Video at same time.

Please check my test File , it is really simple a LFO that change a Ramp Phase and trigger a sound all linked to a movie out.

First i wonder if in the MOVIE out i should refer to audioplay1 or audiodeviceout1( both are time sliced ) i tried both unsuccessfully.

About audio codecs,
If i use the Apple ALAC, i get no error but video has no audio stream
if i use MP3 , i get an error, “Error : unable to open audio codec” ( what should i install ? How should i link thoses codec to TD ? ) ( i cannot export the movie )
If i use uncompressed 16 bits PCM, i get a movie with a video and audio stream , but the stream is empty.

by the way i use this software to get information about my video file :

Any help welcome.
thanks all

I use Windows 7 / 64 bits and TD 88/64 23400.
test.export.sound.1.toe (4.36 KB)

Sorry, the Audio Play CHOP did not explain it well, but it’s been fixed:

With the Audio Play CHOP, audio samples do not enter or pass through TouchDesigner, so you will not see them in CHOPs, and you cannot process them in CHOPs. The Audio Play CHOP starts an external process that opens the file and sends it to the the audio outputs of your computer. If you want to process the audio within TouchDesigner CHOPs or output them into a Movie Out TOP or Audio Device Out CHOP, use the Audio File In CHOP.

So I fixed your example to use the Audio File In CHOP, and added another example that starts playing a longer audio file at the same time that the Movie Out TOP starts recording the movie. … _Play_CHOP
test.export.sound.5.toe (5.63 KB)

Thanks Greg,

I tried your example, using latest released X64 : 23540
First good news i do not have anymore the MP3 warning and error when i try to export a movie using MP3 codecs

I tried to export ALAC, MP3 and PCM and for all i have a sound track.

Unfortunaty when i try to read it with WindowsMedia player there is no sound
I tried to convert this exported movies to some other codec using a free tool , to DIVX5 and AAC , and i get sound for ALAC and MP3.

Also i seems that you have made the file with a unreleased version of TD build: 26061 ( i get warning a load of the file ) but it works fine !

Anyway it solved my issue. Thanks