moving objects along a path

Hi guys,
Basically what I want to do is move and object (spheres, cubes, etc.) along a predetermined path, let’s say a circle.
They only I could manage to do it is with two oscillators, generating sine waves, with a pi/2 phase shift (for a circle) driving the translate parameters in a transform node…in other words using basic Lissajous curves to do it.
Is there any other way to do this, because this is pretty complicated for something this basic.
I’m sorry if there is another topic on this, but I tried a couple of searches and ended up with nothing.

The simplest way I can think of is to use a Sopto chop to get a curves (SOP) point coordinates then attach the Sopto to a timeslice chop to get the current timeslice now export the channels of the timeslice to the your geo translate parameters. Also there are few parameters on the camera comp to control which direction the object is facing.


Just now I realized I messed up the title…
I actually want to move the “output” of a SOP… i.e. a sphere, cube, etc.

Yes, getting the path into a CHOP is flexible.

Just go into pathifizer and play with the slider. It uses SOP to CHOP, then a Lookup CHOP and a single-channel CHOP to extract one xyz position along the path. Those 3 channels can be exported, in this case to a Transform SOP, but just as well, to the translate tx ty tz channels of a Geometry component for rendering.
pathifizer.tox (6.26 KB)

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