Hi all,
Does anyone know how to get multiple ps3 eye cameras into touch?
Hi all,
After a bit of research it turns out that using the CLeye direct show(WDM) will only allow 1 camera at a time in touch. So I’m now trying to hack together a shared memory app for multiple ps3 cams. I’m part of the way there, added the CLeye Multicam example code to the shared memory code, I’m able to display the ps3 cam in a window but I’m not sure where to actually copy the frames to touch.
At this stage the camera starts the capture and displays it in a window using Open CV.
Has anyone done any work with PS3 cams and can point me in the right direction?
decided to try the cplusplus TOP route with some success.
The first camera is capturing at 640x480 @ 60fps.
I run into problems, however because the camera frame is a 4 channel image and when I use CV_RGBA2RGB i get funky results in touch (each channel appears side by side- screenshot attached)
[code]PBYTE qCapBuffer = NULL;
cvGetImageRawData(qCapImage, &qCapBuffer);
CLEyeCameraGetFrame(cam, qCapBuffer);
int width = qCapImage->width;
int height = qCapImage->height;
IplImage *image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
cvCvtColor(qCapImage, image, CV_RGBA2RGB);
My question is how to drop the fourth channel from qCapImage?
heh… I feel sheepish now. discovered cvSplit and cvMerge right after posting. Anyway - i’ve got the image into touch 6404803@60fps from the PS3 Eyecam. now for the multicams…
OK so, after a small hiatus I’m back on the PS3Eye Cams. Let’s say I go down the Asynchronous uploading/downloading path.
I want to access 4 cams each running 320 x 240 @ 30 fps each:
Will be more efficient to access all the cams in a single c++ top and then stitch them together on a QUADS or it better to just load 4 c++ TOPs into touch each accessing a different cam?
Oh, I’m going put my code up on github really soon so if anyone would like to collaborate or just get the code it’ll be here github.com/adamsynnott
Hi Adam,
I was searching for your code on your github. Are you still have it?
I am trying to make PS3 EYE work in TD but no success yet.
I would really appreciate any advice/help
Hey Adam, hey posix,
I need 6 ps3eye cams in touch designer.
I had it running under OSX to get the cameras in OpenCV in a standalone app and then send them via syphon to TD.
Now that I switched to windows I can’t get it running.
Is it possible to get multiple cams with the CLEye driver after Paying the add-on for more cameras?
@AdamS: can you share your cplusplus plugin dll?
Sorry to reopen to this topic.
I am struggling with the possibility of connecting several PS3 EYE cameras on TouchDesigner and Windows 11. I tried several of these driver solutions but none helped. DirectShow only shows a single camera.
Would it be possible to use Spout or SpoutCam to solve this issue?
I’ve seen on this topic that it seem to be related to DirectShow limitations to use only one camera. However, TouchDesigner has an TOP called Syphon Spout In and Syphon Spout Out. Would it be possible to use multiple cameras using these objects and somehow bypass DirectShow? Any other posibilities?
If someone managed to get this working, could you please explain with details how to?
Am I going to have the same kind of problem if I buy several Logitech webcams (e.g. C270)? In this case, is this a problem strictly related to DirectShow?