Multi Camera render ( more than 100 )

How would you render
Multi Cameras ( more than 100 )
same scene geometry\lights…
open render node for each camera a waste of course.

detailed explanations \ toe file , if possible please :slight_smile:

Easy example
multi cam render.tox (3.53 KB)

thank you very much mate,
for some reason, mine not work :open_mouth:

o… mine is 92 cameras.
max is 72 ?
could be ?

with fullhd resolution I did up to 100-108 to have 30 fps , with 200 it’s 6-14fps

I’m using gtx 770 4Gb vram.

I`m with mobile gtx 1070.
will check again tomorrow and maybe post a bug .

It seems it’s going to be hardware/memory dependent. What I’m going to do is limit is to 16 cameras per pass internally. So that way you can do as many as you want into the Render TOP, and it’ll batch them into groups of 16 at most.

Malcolm, but would that proposed change result in the case that NVIDIA smp performance gains will be lost when using more than 16 cameras ?

It won’t be lost, it’ll still use up to 16 per SMP pass, as opposed to an unlimited number per pass (which is where things broke down randomly per GPU). In the Cube Map case it was already limiting to 6 per pass (1 6 sided cube render per pass).

So previously if you had 20 cameras it did 20 cameras in a pass, now it’ll do 16 cameras, then 4.

We seem to have lost the ability to get the actual camera index due to that?