Multiple Instances

Hi there!

I made a generative music visualisation which creates lines (in the form of city map patterns) by using instancing based on the song that ist played.

Therefore I divided the audio in lows, mids and highs to mach tx, ty and tz. So the instance basically creates a line (made out of little boxes).

For my visualisation I need various lines, which should all be generative.
But the problem is, if I make e.g. 15 lines (each with an own instance/geometry) the visualisation is lagging.
Now my question: Is there a way of building this in a simpler, more efficient way?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Hi jos_ra!

Could you post your toe file so we can see what might be causing the slowdown?

Hi evanpeeair,

sure! Here is the toe file and the corresponding audio.

I tried it on several computers but once I add more lines (by copying the “linie” containers, which are except for a few values basically the same) it starts to lag. (12.1 MB)

The slow performance is coming from the number of instances that are being created.
Since the Record CHOP is set to 180,000, each linie instancer is trying to create 180,000 instances of your dot. That becomes a whole lot when you make a bunch of copies of the linie containers.

180,000 samples at 60fps is about 50 minutes worth of recording before the data starts to be overwritten. Do you need it to be that long?

The project runs at 60fps with the Record Chops set to 1800 samples. File attached.

Also, I would highly recommend you look up how cloning works and use it for the linie containers. It will be much easier to make changes to your project if you have one master linie container and all the rest are clones of it.

musicvis_instances_1800.toe (3.25 MB)

Alright. This helps a lot. I‘m gonna take a closer look at cloning.

Thank you so much!