Multiple Object Instancing

Hello !

I’m starting with touch and instances in Geometry and i’m trying to get the most of it.

One of the things i would like to know how to do is to have multiple objects instancing with the same sop/chop information, alternating between points.

like this example

but instead of changing the texture it changes the object

thanks !

geo instancing means you makes multiple instances(copies) of the same object on the GPU- so you can’t change some instances of them to other objects.

But what you could do is is using the same positional data to create instances of each object, and scale instances to size 0 if you don’t want to see them.

here’s a basic example
instance_multiple_objects.tox (3.69 KB)

here’s another example. since you said you wanted to alternate the points, i used to a sop to dat instead, then a select dat to get all the even rows, and then another select to get all the odd rows, those then feed two separate geos. the select dat is set to a conditional:

#for even
(me.inputRow/2) - (math.floor(me.inputRow/2)) == 0

#for odd
(me.inputRow/2) - (math.floor(me.inputRow/2)) != 0
instancing_from_one_sop.toe (4.33 KB)

nice one corbin.
ok this is slightly addicting, here’s another version which uses the group sop to make it a bit more dynamic
groupSOP_instances.tox (3.69 KB)

Thanks So much to both!

hahaha glad my question sparks addiction Nettoyeur

another related question: what other information can you get from a Sop using SoptoChop? i know you can get point position with “P” and normals with N, but is there any other.

Thanks again!

from the wiki page:

P - Point position (X, Y, Z) - 3 values
Pw - Point weight - 1 value
Cd - Point color (red, green, blue) - 3 values
Alpha - Point alpha - 1 value
N - Point normal (X, Y, Z) - 3 values
uv - Point texture coordinates (U, V, W) - 3 values