can you kinda point me the way how to drive multiple parameters in one slider.
im thinking about to create a table with OPs names and Parameters there, and then merge all of them in something) and then send to slider. no?
actually i’m exported slider v1 via Select to my parameters in other OPs and that’s looks like what i wanted to see. but maybe there is a smarter and kind a “right” way to do this.
my english isn’t very good, but i will try to explain
actually i’m following Cutmod’s particle tut and i’ve decided to make some controls - in my case - Vortex and Spiral Forces in one slider(not separate sliders for vortex and spiral), but i wanted them to behave a slightly different, because on default they are 0 to 1, and i’ve just multiplied parameters on different numbers.
i think that’s will be better to lookup at my .toe particles.1.toe (16.3 KB)
Got it… take a look at these examples to see if this helps you think about how you want to target multiple parameters with a single slider value: base_sending_pars.tox (1.84 KB)