MultiTouch Table

Hi! I finished the MultiTouch table, the hardware works very well, now we tested the TUIOzones library in Processing comunicating with TouchFTE077 throw OSC, so Processing does the logical operation of DRAGGABLE, SCALEBLE, ROTABLE, THROWABLE and send all the messages to Touch that apply all the graphic.

I didn’t work too much on Touch I did only basically things to do it work, like in 6 hours the interface was ready, because the first zone is the original and then all the others are Clones taking different inlet.

I will do many others interfaces! i hope to have time to do them! too much work ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheers from Italy!!

hey Nima,

nice MT table there…

I’m guessing the setup is:
and what you did with TouchDesigner is to apply different graphics to the different “zones” right?

did TUIOzones also handle the draw priority to set the current selected “zone” to be on top of the rest?

were you running everything on one system or on different systems over a network?


hi imran,

the TUIOzones library is not completly done, so we did the draw priority in Processing creating a list and NOT an array (because it crashes when a zone is repeated), using this list to the void draw the last rect drew is the first on top so you could have n^ levels like in Photoshop; to have the same draw priority in Touch i did 15 textDAT fixed with drawpriority from ( 0 ) to ( 14 ) and the variable is the ID of the geometry, took from the list and written in the textDAT like this:

opparm /project1/geochop("null0/chan1") drawpriority ( 0 )
opparm /project1/geochop("null1/chan1") drawpriority ( 1 )
opparm /project1/geochop("null2/chan1") drawpriority ( 2 )

Then the ROTATABLE in TUIOzones is “under construction” so the problem was that everytime you start to rotate it always start fom “0” also if you memorize the last rotation the library send you zero, so i took the float of rotation from -1 and 1 and i did a speedCHOP that increase and decrease and then a holdCHOP that is active when a zone is UNPRESS; then i send the rotation via OSC to processing that rotate rects getting datas from Touch.

Then there are other things to say about the TUIOzones, like we are having big problems with the PulltoTop it resolve the problem below, BUT! you have to select a zone and then scale or rotate or move, BUT! if you select “zone1” and you scale “zone 12” (or another) “zone1” takes the scale of the otherZone and the lower and upper limit are lost for “zone1”, and it’s very bad specially for multiusers…

If you don’t use pulltoTop and scale “zone1” bigger so that can cover others zones you touch the “zone1” the others zones that are under comes up over the zone1, Bleah! BUT if you do the same thing with “zone15” (the last zone) the other zones under it don’t come over, so it depends by ID of the zones inside the library.

These are some of the problems with TUIOzones in processing, I hope to comunicate with TUIO very soon with TOUCH directly…

The system is running on one system. The machine running under the table in the video is a CoreDuo with 2 GBram and a 8600GT - 512MB NvidiaCard (it was going 20fps). We have know a new PC i5 with 4GB and 1GB gpu, and it’s very better!

I have to go because we are still in the studio and we have to DINNER at midnight!!!

Hi Nima,

I posted a basic TUIO parser recently in this post:
[url=]regex delimiters - Beginners - TouchDesigner forum

It only parses out 2Dcur messages at this point, and I’d like to optimize it further, but it could quickly get you doing some testing.


tuio.tox (3.94 KB)

hey Nima,

hhmmnn… seems like it is not as straightforward as it appears to be. From your description regarding TUIOzone, it seems to be very different from what the TUIOzone website shows it to be.



Yes it’s like that, there is no many description inside the documentation. We had a lot of problem…

But we are planning to rewrite the lybrary again in Java and also (maybe) in Processing fixing all bugs that the library actually has.

Saturday we fixed the PullToTop method, and now it works really good, you don’t have to select and drag like the lybrary was doing, but you could drag or scale or rotate immediately the zone goes on top and the zones under remain under!! :slight_smile:

So when 2 of my collegues will be more free, they will rewrite the entire library and we will upload it online for everyone.

FOR Ben:
Thanks a lot for you .tox I will try it when i’ll be free from job of NABA and AlterStudio sas.
