Name Mismatch Error

I’ve got some hacked together code for mocap FBX rigs, and I just can’t seem to find the source of this error… This Code works totally fine in TouchDesigner build 2022.31030 and BEFORE… but seems to be broken in the later build versions of TD?

Vertex Shader Compile Results:

Compiled Successfully

Pixel Shader Compile Results:

Compiled Successfully

Shader Link Results:
ERROR: Linking vertex and fragment stages: Member names and types must match:
    Block: _Geometry
        vertex stage: " vec4 Color"
        fragment stage: " vec4 Cd"

But for the life of me I cannot seem to find the discrepancy between Cd and Color variables in these shaders? To me it looks consistent, and I’m using Cd in the _Geometry block in both stages… I’ve looked at the _Geometry block several times but maybe someone can help me spot the error in these shader code?


#define DEG_TO_RAD 0.0174533

struct Geometry {
	vec3 P;
	vec3 localP;
	vec3 N;
	vec3 localN;
	vec2 uv;
	vec4 Cd;
	int cameraIndex;

float saturate(in float value) {
	return clamp(value, 0.0, 1.0);

float rand(vec2 co){
	return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);

float map(float value, float inMin, float inMax, float outMin, float outMax) {
	return outMin + (outMax - outMin) * (value - inMin) / (inMax - inMin);

vec2 map(vec2 value, vec2 inMin, vec2 inMax, vec2 outMin, vec2 outMax) {
	return outMin + (outMax - outMin) * (value - inMin) / (inMax - inMin);

vec3 map(vec3 value, vec3 inMin, vec3 inMax, vec3 outMin, vec3 outMax) {
	return outMin + (outMax - outMin) * (value - inMin) / (inMax - inMin);

vec4 map(vec4 value, vec4 inMin, vec4 inMax, vec4 outMin, vec4 outMax) {
	return outMin + (outMax - outMin) * (value - inMin) / (inMax - inMin);


mat4 make_scale(vec3 S)
	mat4 m = mat4(1);
	m[0][0] = S.x;
	m[1][1] = S.y;
	m[2][2] = S.z;
	return m;

mat4 make_rotationXYZ(vec3 Rxyz)
	mat4 m = mat4(1);
	vec3 r = Rxyz * -vec3(DEG_TO_RAD);

	float cx = cos(r.x);
	float cy = cos(r.y);
	float cz = cos(r.z);
	float sx = sin(r.x);
	float sy = sin(r.y);
	float sz = sin(r.z);

	m[0] = vec4(cy * cz, 
		-cy * sz, 
		sy, 0);
	m[1] = vec4(cz * sx * sy + cx * sz, 
		cx * cz - sx * sy * sz, 
		-cy * sx, 0);
	m[2] = vec4(-cx * cz * sy + sx * sz,
		cz * sx + cx * sy * sz, 
		cx * cy, 0);
	m[3] = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);

	return m;

mat4 make_translate(vec3 T)
	mat4 m = mat4(1);
	m[3] = vec4(T, 1);
	return m;

mat4 make_transformSRT(vec3 T, vec3 Rxyz, vec3 S)
	return make_translate(T) * make_rotationXYZ(Rxyz) * make_scale(S);


float sRGB_to_linear(float v) {
	return pow(v, 2.2);

vec3 sRGB_to_linear(vec3 v) {
	return pow(v, vec3(2.2));

vec4 sRGB_to_linear(vec4 v) {
	return pow(v, vec4(2.2));


vec3 blend_normal(vec3 n1, vec3 n2, float mix) {
	float m = (mix - 0.5) * 2;
	return normalize(
		vec3(n1.xy * clamp(1 - m, 0, 1)
			+ n2.xy * clamp(1 + m, 0, 1),
			 n1.z * n2.z)

vec3 blend_normal(vec3 n1, vec3 n2) {
	return blend_normal(n1, n2, 0.5);


vec4 sampler_projection_uv(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv) {
	return texture(tex, uv);

vec4 sampler_projection_box(sampler2D tex, vec3 P, vec3 N, float blend_feather, float box_scale) {
	vec3 blend = vec3(0);
	blend.x = abs(dot(vec3(1, 0, 0), N));
	blend.y = abs(dot(vec3(0, 1, 0), N));
	blend.z = abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), N));

	float a = blend_feather;
	float eps = 1e-6;

	float m = max(max(blend.x, blend.y), blend.z);
	blend.x = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.x));
	blend.y = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.y));
	blend.z = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.z));
	// blend = normalize(blend);

	vec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);

	P *= box_scale;
	P = P - 0.5;

	color = mix(color, texture(tex, P.yz), blend.x);
	color = mix(color, texture(tex, P.zx), blend.y);
	color = mix(color, texture(tex, P.xy), blend.z);

	return color;

vec4 sampler_projection_box_normal(sampler2D tex, vec3 P, vec3 N, float blend_feather, float box_scale) {
	vec3 blend = vec3(0);
	blend.x = abs(dot(vec3(1, 0, 0), N));
	blend.y = abs(dot(vec3(0, 1, 0), N));
	blend.z = abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), N));

	float a = blend_feather;
	float eps = 1e-6;

	float m = max(max(blend.x, blend.y), blend.z);
	blend.x = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.x));
	blend.y = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.y));
	blend.z = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.z));
	// blend = normalize(blend);

	P *= box_scale;
	P = P - 0.5;

	vec3 uvw = vec3(0, 0, 1);

	uvw = blend_normal(uvw, texture(tex, P.yz).xyz - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0), blend.x);
	uvw = blend_normal(uvw, texture(tex, P.zx).xyz - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0), blend.y);
	uvw = blend_normal(uvw, texture(tex, P.xy).xyz - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0), blend.z);
	uvw += vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0);
	return vec4(uvw, 1);


float fresnel(vec3 N, vec3 V, float strength){
	float border = 1.0 - (abs(dot(-normalize(V), normalize(N))));
	return clamp(border * (1.0 + strength) - strength, 0.0, 1.0);

float fresnel(Geometry geom, float strength){
	TDMatrix M = uTDMats[int(geom.cameraIndex)];
	vec3 V = normalize(M.camInverse[3].xyz - geom.P);
	return fresnel(V, geom.N, strength);


vec3 flatNormal(vec3 vPosition){
	vec3 dx = dFdy(;    
	vec3 dy = dFdx(;
	vec3 n = normalize(cross(normalize(dx), normalize(dy)));
	if(gl_FrontFacing == true)
		n = normalize(cross(normalize(dy), normalize(dx)));
	return n;



out _Geometry {
	vec3 P;
	vec3 localP;
	vec3 N;
	vec3 localN;
	vec2 uv;
	vec4 Cd;
	flat int cameraIndex;
	flat uint instanceTextureIndex;
	flat int instanceID;

} oGeom;

// global uniforms
uniform sampler2D uBaseColorTex;
uniform float uDeformFrame;

uniform sampler2D uDeformTex_B;
uniform vec2 uDeformCacheTexel_B;

uniform sampler2D uDeformTex_A;
uniform vec2 uDeformCacheTexel_A;

uniform sampler2D uEmissionTex;
uniform sampler2D uNormalMap;
//uniform sampler2D uParamsTex;

uniform vec3 uPreTranslate;
uniform float uPreScale;

// mocap animation textures
uniform float uMocapAw;
uniform float uMocapBw;

uniform samplerBuffer InstanceWeight; // sets which mocap clip plays

// blendshape deform data
uniform float uTexWidth;
uniform sampler2D uBlendDeform;
uniform sampler2D uBlendDeform1;
uniform sampler2D uBlendDeform2;

in float PointNum;

#define MAX_JOINTS 4
in vec4 pCapt[4];

mat4 getBoneMatrix(int index, float pct)
	mat4 mocapA = mat4(
		texture(uDeformTex_A, vec2(pct, (index * 4. + 0.5)*uDeformCacheTexel_A.y)),
		texture(uDeformTex_A, vec2(pct, (index * 4. + 1.5)*uDeformCacheTexel_A.y)),
		texture(uDeformTex_A, vec2(pct, (index * 4. + 2.5)*uDeformCacheTexel_A.y)),
		texture(uDeformTex_A, vec2(pct, (index * 4. + 3.5)*uDeformCacheTexel_A.y))
	mat4 mocapB = mat4(
		texture(uDeformTex_B, vec2(pct, (index * 4. + 0.5)*uDeformCacheTexel_B.y)),
		texture(uDeformTex_B, vec2(pct, (index * 4. + 1.5)*uDeformCacheTexel_B.y)),
		texture(uDeformTex_B, vec2(pct, (index * 4. + 2.5)*uDeformCacheTexel_B.y)),
		texture(uDeformTex_B, vec2(pct, (index * 4. + 3.5)*uDeformCacheTexel_B.y))
	// randomize weights 
	//float weight = rand(gl_InstanceID);
	//float weight = rand(vec2(TDInstanceID(),1.));
	float weight = texelFetch(InstanceWeight, TDInstanceID()).x;
	//mat4 mocapOut = (mocapA* uMocapAw) + (mocapB * uMocapBw);
	mat4 mocapOut = (mocapA* weight) + (mocapB * (1-weight));
	return mocapOut;

vec4 SkinnedDeform(vec4 pos, float frame)
	vec4 newp = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
	int index;
#if MAX_JOINTS > 0
	if (pCapt[0].x >= 0.0)
		index = int(pCapt[0].x);
		newp += (getBoneMatrix(index, frame) * pos) * pCapt[0].y;
		return pos;

#if MAX_JOINTS > 1
	if (pCapt[0].z >= 0.0)
		index = int(pCapt[0].z);
		newp += (getBoneMatrix(index, frame) * pos) * pCapt[0].w;

#if MAX_JOINTS > 2
	if (pCapt[1].x >= 0.0)
		index = int(pCapt[1].x);
		newp += (getBoneMatrix(index, frame) * pos) * pCapt[1].y;

#if MAX_JOINTS > 3
	if (pCapt[1].z >= 0.0)
		index = int(pCapt[1].z);
		newp += (getBoneMatrix(index, frame) * pos) * pCapt[1].w;

#if MAX_JOINTS > 4
	if (pCapt[2].x >= 0.0)
		index = int(pCapt[2].x);
		newp += (getBoneMatrix(index, frame) * pos) * pCapt[2].y;

#if MAX_JOINTS > 5
	if (pCapt[2].z >= 0.0)
		index = int(pCapt[2].z);
		newp += (getBoneMatrix(index, frame) * pos) * pCapt[2].w;

#if MAX_JOINTS > 6
	if (pCapt[3].x >= 0.0)
		index = int(pCapt[3].x);
		newp += (getBoneMatrix(index, frame) * pos) * pCapt[3].y;

#if MAX_JOINTS > 7
	if (pCapt[3].z >= 0.0)
		index = int(pCapt[3].z);
		newp += (getBoneMatrix(index, frame) * pos) * pCapt[3].w;

	newp.w = 1.0;
	return newp;

// <<<
// >>> codeblock: `vertex_tangetnt_define` /project1/Boids/Principal2/NormalMap/TangentAttribute/CodeBlock1

in vec4 T;
out mat3 vTM;
vec4 vT = T;
// <<<

void main() 
	Geometry geom;
	geom.P = P;
	geom.localP = P;
	geom.N = N;
	geom.localN = N;
	geom.uv = uv[0].xy;
	geom.Cd = TDInstanceColor(Cd);
	geom.cameraIndex = TDCameraIndex();

	// custon attributes
	// vertex update local space
			// >>> codeblock: 
			// sets a random frame index per instance
			float F = uDeformFrame + rand(vec2(gl_InstanceID*.0344326234,1.));
			//float F = uDeformFrame;
			// blendshape logic 
			float tindex = TDInstanceTextureIndex();  // index starts at 0 -gets the texture instance index
			// man texture logic
			// read in blend iteration texture
			float PointIndex = gl_InstanceID;
			// condition to switch to find the man instances - based on texture instance index
			float manblend = 0;
			if (tindex > 8){
				manblend = 1;
			// man deform texture
			float vertexX = (PointNum+0.5) / uTexWidth;
			vec4 blendpos = texture(uBlendDeform2, vec2(vertexX,0.5)); // man deform
			geom.P += * manblend;
			// large person
			// calculate random percentage of all instances
			float blendlarge = round(rand(vec2(gl_InstanceID*.0344326234,1.))-0.15); // 35 % large people
			// large person deform tex
			float vertexX2 = (PointNum+0.5) / uTexWidth;
			vec4 blendpos2 = texture(uBlendDeform, vec2(vertexX2,0.5));  // blend large person deform
			geom.P += * blendlarge;
			// Taper leg logic
			float blendtaper = 0;
			if (tindex == 5 || tindex == 7 || tindex == 10 || tindex == 11){
				blendtaper = 1;
			float blendvariance = round(rand(vec2(gl_InstanceID*.034,2.)));
			// taper leg deform tex
			float vertexX3 = (PointNum+0.5) / uTexWidth;
			vec4 blendpos3 = texture(uBlendDeform1, vec2(vertexX3,0.5));  // taper leg deform
			geom.P += * clamp(blendtaper+blendvariance,0,1);

			// fetch mocap deformation			
			geom.P = SkinnedDeform(vec4(geom.P, 1), F).xyz;
			geom.N = SkinnedDeform(vec4(geom.N, 0), F).xyz;

			// <<<


	// local to world vertex update
		geom.P += uPreTranslate;
		geom.P *= uPreScale;
		geom.P = TDDeform(geom.P).xyz;
		geom.N = normalize(TDDeformNorm(geom.N));
	// vertex update world space
			// >>> codeblock: `vertex_tangetnt_update` /project1/Boids/Principal2/NormalMap/TangentAttribute/CodeBlock2

			vTM = TDCreateTBNMatrix(geom.N, normalize(TDDeformNorm(, vT.w);
			// <<<


	gl_Position = TDWorldToProj(;

	// bw added to get the id
	//oGeom.instanceID = TDinstanceID(); // this didn't work 
	oGeom.instanceID = gl_InstanceID; // this passes the instance ID to the pixel shader

	oGeom.cameraIndex = geom.cameraIndex;
	oGeom.P = geom.P;
	oGeom.localP = geom.localP;
	oGeom.N = geom.N;
	oGeom.localN = geom.localN;
	oGeom.uv = geom.uv;
	oGeom.Cd = geom.Cd;
	// added for instance texture data BW
	oGeom.instanceTextureIndex = TDInstanceTextureIndex();	


#define DEG_TO_RAD 0.0174533

struct Geometry {
	vec3 P;
	vec3 localP;
	vec3 N;
	vec3 localN;
	vec2 uv;
	vec4 Cd;
	int cameraIndex;

float saturate(in float value) {
	return clamp(value, 0.0, 1.0);

float rand(vec2 co){
	return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);

float map(float value, float inMin, float inMax, float outMin, float outMax) {
	return outMin + (outMax - outMin) * (value - inMin) / (inMax - inMin);

vec2 map(vec2 value, vec2 inMin, vec2 inMax, vec2 outMin, vec2 outMax) {
	return outMin + (outMax - outMin) * (value - inMin) / (inMax - inMin);

vec3 map(vec3 value, vec3 inMin, vec3 inMax, vec3 outMin, vec3 outMax) {
	return outMin + (outMax - outMin) * (value - inMin) / (inMax - inMin);

vec4 map(vec4 value, vec4 inMin, vec4 inMax, vec4 outMin, vec4 outMax) {
	return outMin + (outMax - outMin) * (value - inMin) / (inMax - inMin);


mat4 make_scale(vec3 S)
	mat4 m = mat4(1);
	m[0][0] = S.x;
	m[1][1] = S.y;
	m[2][2] = S.z;
	return m;

mat4 make_rotationXYZ(vec3 Rxyz)
	mat4 m = mat4(1);
	vec3 r = Rxyz * -vec3(DEG_TO_RAD);

	float cx = cos(r.x);
	float cy = cos(r.y);
	float cz = cos(r.z);
	float sx = sin(r.x);
	float sy = sin(r.y);
	float sz = sin(r.z);

	m[0] = vec4(cy * cz, 
		-cy * sz, 
		sy, 0);
	m[1] = vec4(cz * sx * sy + cx * sz, 
		cx * cz - sx * sy * sz, 
		-cy * sx, 0);
	m[2] = vec4(-cx * cz * sy + sx * sz,
		cz * sx + cx * sy * sz, 
		cx * cy, 0);
	m[3] = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);

	return m;

mat4 make_translate(vec3 T)
	mat4 m = mat4(1);
	m[3] = vec4(T, 1);
	return m;

mat4 make_transformSRT(vec3 T, vec3 Rxyz, vec3 S)
	return make_translate(T) * make_rotationXYZ(Rxyz) * make_scale(S);


float sRGB_to_linear(float v) {
	return pow(v, 2.2);

vec3 sRGB_to_linear(vec3 v) {
	return pow(v, vec3(2.2));

vec4 sRGB_to_linear(vec4 v) {
	return pow(v, vec4(2.2));


vec3 blend_normal(vec3 n1, vec3 n2, float mix) {
	float m = (mix - 0.5) * 2;
	return normalize(
		vec3(n1.xy * clamp(1 - m, 0, 1)
			+ n2.xy * clamp(1 + m, 0, 1),
			 n1.z * n2.z)

vec3 blend_normal(vec3 n1, vec3 n2) {
	return blend_normal(n1, n2, 0.5);


vec4 sampler_projection_uv(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv) {
	return texture(tex, uv);

vec4 sampler_projection_box(sampler2D tex, vec3 P, vec3 N, float blend_feather, float box_scale) {
	vec3 blend = vec3(0);
	blend.x = abs(dot(vec3(1, 0, 0), N));
	blend.y = abs(dot(vec3(0, 1, 0), N));
	blend.z = abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), N));

	float a = blend_feather;
	float eps = 1e-6;

	float m = max(max(blend.x, blend.y), blend.z);
	blend.x = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.x));
	blend.y = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.y));
	blend.z = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.z));
	// blend = normalize(blend);

	vec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);

	P *= box_scale;
	P = P - 0.5;

	color = mix(color, texture(tex, P.yz), blend.x);
	color = mix(color, texture(tex, P.zx), blend.y);
	color = mix(color, texture(tex, P.xy), blend.z);

	return color;

vec4 sampler_projection_box_normal(sampler2D tex, vec3 P, vec3 N, float blend_feather, float box_scale) {
	vec3 blend = vec3(0);
	blend.x = abs(dot(vec3(1, 0, 0), N));
	blend.y = abs(dot(vec3(0, 1, 0), N));
	blend.z = abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), N));

	float a = blend_feather;
	float eps = 1e-6;

	float m = max(max(blend.x, blend.y), blend.z);
	blend.x = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.x));
	blend.y = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.y));
	blend.z = smoothstep(a + eps, 0, (m - blend.z));
	// blend = normalize(blend);

	P *= box_scale;
	P = P - 0.5;

	vec3 uvw = vec3(0, 0, 1);

	uvw = blend_normal(uvw, texture(tex, P.yz).xyz - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0), blend.x);
	uvw = blend_normal(uvw, texture(tex, P.zx).xyz - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0), blend.y);
	uvw = blend_normal(uvw, texture(tex, P.xy).xyz - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0), blend.z);
	uvw += vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0);
	return vec4(uvw, 1);


float fresnel(vec3 N, vec3 V, float strength){
	float border = 1.0 - (abs(dot(-normalize(V), normalize(N))));
	return clamp(border * (1.0 + strength) - strength, 0.0, 1.0);

float fresnel(Geometry geom, float strength){
	TDMatrix M = uTDMats[int(geom.cameraIndex)];
	vec3 V = normalize(M.camInverse[3].xyz - geom.P);
	return fresnel(V, geom.N, strength);


vec3 flatNormal(vec3 vPosition){
	vec3 dx = dFdy(;    
	vec3 dy = dFdx(;
	vec3 n = normalize(cross(normalize(dx), normalize(dy)));
	if(gl_FrontFacing == true)
		n = normalize(cross(normalize(dy), normalize(dx)));
	return n;


//// from google filament

#define PI (3.14159265358979)
#define MIN_ROUGHNESS 0.06

float D_GGX(float roughness, float NoH, const vec3 h) {
    float a = NoH * roughness;
    float k = roughness / ((1.0 - NoH * NoH) + a * a);
    float d = k * k * (1.0 / PI);
    return clamp(d, 0, 65504.0);

float V_SmithGGXCorrelated(float roughness, float NoV, float NoL) {
    float a2 = roughness * roughness;
    float lambdaV = NoL * sqrt((NoV - a2 * NoV) * NoV + a2);
    float lambdaL = NoV * sqrt((NoL - a2 * NoL) * NoL + a2);
    float v = 0.5 / (lambdaV + lambdaL);
    return clamp(v, 0, 65504.0);

float V_SmithGGXCorrelated_Fast(float roughness, float NoV, float NoL) {
	// Hammon 2017, "PBR Diffuse Lighting for GGX+Smith Microsurfaces"
	float v = 0.5 / mix(2.0 * NoL * NoV, NoL + NoV, roughness);
	return clamp(v, 0, 65504.0);

// float pow5(float x) {
//     float x2 = x * x;
//     return x2 * x2 * x;
// }

vec3 F_Schlick(const vec3 f0, float f90, float VoH) {
    // return f0 + (f90 - f0) * pow5(1.0 - VoH);
	return f0 + (f90 - f0) * pow(2.0, (-5.55473 * VoH - 6.98316) * VoH);

float F_Schlick(float f0, float f90, float VoH) {
    // return f0 + (f90 - f0) * pow5(1.0 - VoH);
	return f0 + (f90 - f0) * pow(2.0, (-5.55473 * VoH - 6.98316) * VoH);

vec3 Irradiance_SphericalHarmonics(const vec3 shCoeffs[9], const vec3 n) {
    return max(
        + shCoeffs[1] * (n.y)
        + shCoeffs[2] * (n.z)
        + shCoeffs[3] * (n.x)
        + shCoeffs[4] * (n.y * n.x)
        + shCoeffs[5] * (n.y * n.z)
        + shCoeffs[6] * (3.0 * n.z * n.z - 1.0)
        + shCoeffs[7] * (n.z * n.x)
        + shCoeffs[8] * (n.x * n.x - n.y * n.y)
        , 0.0);


float distribution(float roughness, float NoH, const vec3 h) {
	return D_GGX(roughness, NoH, h);

float visibility(float roughness, float NoV, float NoL) {
	return V_SmithGGXCorrelated_Fast(roughness, NoV, NoL);

vec3 fresnel(const vec3 f0, float LoH) {
    float f90 = saturate(dot(f0, vec3(50.0 * 0.33)));
    return F_Schlick(f0, f90, LoH);

float diffuse(float roughness, float NoV, float NoL, float LoH) {
	return 1 / PI;

vec3 specular(float roughness, vec3 f0, const vec3 h,
		float NoV, float NoL, float NoH, float LoH) {
	float D = distribution(roughness, NoH, h);
	float V = visibility(roughness, NoV, NoL);
	vec3 F = fresnel(f0, LoH);
	return vec3(D * V) * F;

vec3 diffuseIrradiance(const vec3 shCoeffs[9], const vec3 n) {
    return Irradiance_SphericalHarmonics(shCoeffs, n);


struct PBRMaterial {
	vec3 baseColor;
	vec3 diffuseColor;
	float roughness;
	float perceptualRoughness;
	float metallic;
	float reflectance;
	vec3 emission;
	vec3 f0;
	float ao;

vec3 evaluateDirectLighting(int index, const vec3 P, const vec3 V, const vec3 N, const PBRMaterial material) {
	TDLight LightParams = uTDLights[index];

	if (length(LightParams.diffuse) < 1e-4)
		return vec3(0);

	vec3 lightColor = LightParams.diffuse;
	float attenuation = 1;
	vec3 lightVector;
	vec3 L;

	if ( == LightParams.direction)
		// distant light

		lightVector =;
		L = normalize(lightVector);
		// point and cone light

		lightVector = - P;
		L = normalize(lightVector);

		float lightDistance = length(lightVector);

		// calc distant falloff
			float lightAtten = lightDistance * LightParams.attenScaleBiasRoll.x;
			lightAtten += LightParams.attenScaleBiasRoll.y;
			lightAtten = clamp(lightAtten, 0.0, 1.0) * 1.57079633;
			lightAtten = sin(lightAtten);
			attenuation *= pow(lightAtten, LightParams.attenScaleBiasRoll.z);

		// calc cone falloff
		if (LightParams.coneLookupScaleBias.x > 0.0)
			float spotEffect = dot(LightParams.direction, -L);
			spotEffect = (spotEffect * LightParams.coneLookupScaleBias.x) + LightParams.coneLookupScaleBias.y;
			spotEffect = texture(sTDConeLookups[index], spotEffect).r;
			attenuation *= spotEffect;

	attenuation *= (1 - TDShadow(index, P));

	if (abs(attenuation) <= 1e-4)
		return vec3(0);
	vec3 H = normalize(L + V);
	float NoV = saturate(dot(N, V));
	float NoL = saturate(dot(N, L));
	float NoH = saturate(dot(N, H));
	float LoH = saturate(dot(L, H));

	vec3 Fd = material.diffuseColor * diffuse(material.roughness, NoV, NoL, LoH);
	vec3 Fr = specular(material.roughness, material.f0, H, NoV, NoL, NoH, LoH);
	vec3 Lo = (Fd + Fr) * lightColor * NoL * attenuation;

	return Lo;

vec3 evaluateIBL(int index, const vec3 P, const vec3 V, const vec3 N, const PBRMaterial material)
	TDEnvLight LightParams = uTDEnvLights[index];

	if (length(LightParams.color.rgb) < 1e-4)
		return vec3(0);

	float NoV = saturate(dot(N, V));
	vec3 H = normalize(N + V);
	float NoH = saturate(dot(N, H));

	vec3 lightColor = LightParams.color.rgb;
	mat3 envMapRotate = LightParams.rotate;
	vec3 R = (2.0 * dot(N, V) * N) - V;
	R = envMapRotate * R;
	R = normalize(R);
	vec2 mapCoord = TDCubeMapToEquirectangular(R);

	vec2 size = textureSize(sTDEnvLight2DMaps[index], 0);
	float mipCount = 1 + floor(log2(max(size.x, size.y)));
	float mipLevel = saturate(material.perceptualRoughness) * mipCount;
	vec3 prefilteredColor = textureLod(sTDPrefiltEnvLight2DMaps[index], mapCoord, mipLevel).rgb;
	prefilteredColor = sRGB_to_linear(prefilteredColor);

	vec2 dfg = texture(sTDBRDFLookup, vec2(NoV, material.perceptualRoughness)).xy;

	vec3 diffuse = vec3(0);

	// diffuse = diffuseIrradiance(uTDEnvLightBuffers[index].shCoeffs, R) / 1.5;

	// TODO: IBL diffuse term should be updated more
		vec3 diffuseContrib = vec3(0);
		const float C1 = 0.429043;
		const float C2 = 0.511664;
		const float C3 = 0.743125;
		const float C4 = 0.886227;
		const float C5 = 0.247708;

		vec3 diffEnvMapCoord = envMapRotate * N;
		diffuseContrib += C1 * (diffEnvMapCoord.x * diffEnvMapCoord.x - diffEnvMapCoord.y * diffEnvMapCoord.y) *  uTDEnvLightBuffers[index].shCoeffs[8].rgb;
		diffuseContrib += C3 * diffEnvMapCoord.z * diffEnvMapCoord.z *  uTDEnvLightBuffers[index].shCoeffs[6].rgb;
		diffuseContrib += C4 *  uTDEnvLightBuffers[index].shCoeffs[0].rgb;
		diffuseContrib -= C5 *  uTDEnvLightBuffers[index].shCoeffs[6].rgb;
		diffuseContrib += 2.0 * C1 * (diffEnvMapCoord.x * diffEnvMapCoord.y * uTDEnvLightBuffers[index].shCoeffs[4].rgb + diffEnvMapCoord.x * diffEnvMapCoord.z * uTDEnvLightBuffers[index].shCoeffs[7].rgb + diffEnvMapCoord.y * diffEnvMapCoord.z * uTDEnvLightBuffers[index].shCoeffs[5].rgb);
		diffuseContrib += 2.0 * C2 * (diffEnvMapCoord.x *  uTDEnvLightBuffers[index].shCoeffs[3].rgb + diffEnvMapCoord.y *  uTDEnvLightBuffers[index].shCoeffs[1].rgb + diffEnvMapCoord.z * uTDEnvLightBuffers[index].shCoeffs[2].rgb);

		diffuseContrib /= 1.6;

		diffuse = diffuseContrib;

	vec3 Fd = diffuse * material.diffuseColor * (1 / PI);
	vec3 Fr = ( * material.f0 + dfg.yyy) * prefilteredColor;
	// vec3 Fr = mix(dfg.yyy,, material.f0) * prefilteredColor;
	// vec3 Fr = mix(dfg.yyy,, F) * prefilteredColor;
	vec3 Lo = (Fd + Fr) * lightColor;

	return Lo;

vec3 evaluatePBR(const vec3 P, const vec3 V, const vec3 N, const PBRMaterial material)
	vec3 color = vec3(0);

	// direct lighting
	if (TD_NUM_LIGHTS > 0)
		for (int i = 0; i < TD_NUM_LIGHTS; i++)
			color.rgb += evaluateDirectLighting(i, P, V, N, material) *;

	// image based lighting
		for (int i = 0; i < TD_NUM_ENV_LIGHTS; i++)
			color.rgb += evaluateIBL(i, P, V, N, material) *;

	return color;


in _Geometry {
	vec3 P;
	vec3 localP;
	vec3 N;
	vec3 localN;
	vec2 uv;
	vec4 Cd;
	flat int cameraIndex;
	flat uint instanceTextureIndex;
	flat int instanceID;

} iGeom;

out vec4 fragColor;

// global uniforms
uniform float uRoughness;

uniform sampler2D uBaseColorTex;
uniform float uBumpScale;
uniform float uDeformFrame;
uniform sampler2D uDeformTex;
uniform sampler2D uEmissionTex;
uniform sampler2D uNormalMap;
//uniform sampler2D uParamsTex;

// masks - masks are now loaded in as 1/2 the instanced texture
//uniform sampler2D uClothingMask;
//uniform sampler2D uSkinMask;
//uniform sampler2D uHairMask;
//uniform sampler2D uPantMask;

// global define

// pixel derine
// >>> codeblock: `pixel_tangetnt_define` /project1/Boids/Principal2/NormalMap/TangentAttribute/CodeBlock4

in mat3 vTM;
// <<<

void main()
	Geometry geom;
	geom.P = iGeom.P;
	geom.localP = iGeom.localP;
	geom.N = iGeom.N;
	geom.localN = iGeom.localN;
	geom.uv = iGeom.uv;
	geom.Cd = iGeom.Cd;
	geom.cameraIndex = iGeom.cameraIndex;

	//geom.instanceTextureIndex = iGeom.instanceTextureIndex;

	// custon attributes


	// update normals
		vec3 uvw = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1);
		vec3 out_uvw = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1);

			// >>> codeblock: `` /project1/Boids/Principal2/NormalMap/CodeBlock5

			vec4 normalMap = sampler_projection_uv(uNormalMap, (mat3(make_transformSRT(vec3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0), vec3(0, 0, 0.000000), vec3(1.000000, 1.000000, 0))) * vec3(geom.uv.xy, 1)).xy);
			vec3 norm = (2.0 * ( - 0.5)).xyz;

			uvw = norm;
			uvw.xy *= uBumpScale;

			// <<<
		out_uvw = blend_normal(out_uvw, uvw);

		// apply tangent rotation
		out_uvw = vTM * out_uvw;
		geom.N = normalize(out_uvw);

	PBRMaterial mat;
	// initialize material parameters
		vec2 uv = geom.uv;
		// read in masks
		//float shirt_mask = texture(uClothingMask, uv).r;
		//float skin_mask = texture(uSkinMask, uv).r;
		//float hair_mask = texture(uHairMask, uv).r;
		//float pant_mask = texture(uPantMask, uv).r;
		// for color tints
		//vec3 skincol = TDInstanceCustomAttrib0(iGeom.instanceID).xyz;
		//vec3 pantcol = TDInstanceCustomAttrib1(iGeom.instanceID).xyz;
		//vec3 haircol = TDInstanceCustomAttrib2(iGeom.instanceID).xyz;
		mat.baseColor = vec3(1.);

		// apply tints
		//mat.baseColor *= geom.Cd.rgb * shirt_mask + (1-shirt_mask);
		//mat.baseColor *= skincol * skin_mask + (1-skin_mask);
		//mat.baseColor *= pantcol * pant_mask + (1-pant_mask);
		//mat.baseColor *= haircol * hair_mask + (1-hair_mask);
		//mat.metallic = 1;
		//mat.roughness = 0.5;
		//mat.reflectance = 0.5;
		// = 1;
		mat.emission = vec3(0);

	// update PBR material parameters
			// >>> codeblock: `` /project1/Boids/Principal2/CodeBlock

			vec2 uv = geom.uv;
			// split the UV's into left and right half
			vec2 col_uv = vec2(uv.x/2,uv.y);
			vec2 mask_uv = vec2(uv.x/2+0.5,uv.y);
			// adding instance textures
			//vec4 baseColor = sRGB_to_linear(texture(uBaseColorTex, uv));
			vec4 baseColor = sRGB_to_linear(TDInstanceTexture(iGeom.instanceTextureIndex, col_uv));
			vec4 maskColor = sRGB_to_linear(TDInstanceTexture(iGeom.instanceTextureIndex, mask_uv));
			vec3 skincol = TDInstanceCustomAttrib0(iGeom.instanceID).xyz;
			vec3 pantcol = TDInstanceCustomAttrib1(iGeom.instanceID).xyz;
			vec3 haircol = TDInstanceCustomAttrib2(iGeom.instanceID).xyz;
			//maskColor.r = pants
			//maskColor.g = shirt
			//maskColor.b = hair
			//maskColor.a = skin
			mat.baseColor *= geom.Cd.rgb * maskColor.g + (1-maskColor.g);
			mat.baseColor *= pantcol * maskColor.r + (1-maskColor.r);
			mat.baseColor *= haircol * maskColor.b + (1-maskColor.b);
			mat.baseColor *= skincol * maskColor.a + (1-maskColor.a);
			mat.baseColor *= baseColor.rgb;
			geom.Cd.a *= baseColor.a;

			//vec4 param = texture(uParamsTex, uv);
			mat.metallic = 0.;
			mat.reflectance = .75;//1.;
			float hairrough = 0.4;
			float skinrough = 0.45;
			float clothrough = 0.85;
			float clothmask = clamp(maskColor.g + maskColor.r,0,1);
			//float totalrough = clothmask*clothrough;
			//float totalrough = maskColor.b*hairrough;
			//float totalrough = maskColor.a*skinrough;
			float totalrough = (clothmask*clothrough) + (maskColor.b*hairrough) + (maskColor.a*skinrough);
			//mat.roughness = uRoughness;
			mat.roughness = totalrough; = 1;
			vec3 emission = sRGB_to_linear(texture(uEmissionTex, uv)).rgb;
			mat.emission += max(emission, vec3(0));
			// <<<

	// calclate some parameters
		mat.perceptualRoughness = mat.roughness;
		mat.roughness = mat.perceptualRoughness * mat.perceptualRoughness;
		mat.roughness = clamp(mat.roughness, MIN_ROUGHNESS, 1.0);
		mat.diffuseColor = mat.baseColor.rgb * (1 - mat.metallic);

		float reflectance = clamp(mat.reflectance, 0, 2);
		reflectance = 0.16 * reflectance * reflectance;
		mat.f0 = mat.baseColor.rgb * mat.metallic + (reflectance * (1.0 - mat.metallic));

	if (!TDFrontFacing(geom.P, iGeom.N))
		geom.N = -geom.N;

	TDMatrix M = uTDMats[iGeom.cameraIndex];
	vec3 V = normalize(M.camInverse[3].xyz - geom.P);

	vec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
	color.rgb += evaluatePBR(geom.P, V, geom.N, mat);
	color.rgb += mat.emission;
	color.a = geom.Cd.a;


	color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(1/2.2));
	fragColor = TDOutputSwizzle(color);

This is odd. Can you post the full .toe file so I can take a look?