NDI in broken on apple silicone m1

Hi, I am running 2023.11340 on a m1 and have no luck with getting NDI in to work.
I can select my source, but black screen on the TD side and it makes my apps (ios UNITY or NDI CAM) freeze on the other end. As soon I de-active or delete NDIin in TD my ios app unfreeze…
I can see the stream just fine in NDI MONITOR or UNITY
the texture is a multiple of 16x8 ( as I did read it could cause issues)
Not sure where to look into. Any help appreciated!

Hi @frejatet

Can you confirm if the issue is still occuring with the latest version of TouchDesigner ?



Sorry forgot to mention I tried the new built and yes still the same result :confused:

pinging this thread.
Atm the only workaround I have is to get the ndi from the iphone into OBS and reroute it to ndi out that I get into TD. it works but definitely not the best. Tried app such as ZIGCAM etc they all crashes as soon I try to open the stream in TD.


ZIGCAM crashing is a ZIGCAM issue and should be reported to the developer. It’s not a TouchDesigner issue.

Regarding NDI In, sadly at the moment I cannot reproduce.

Can you please share the settings of your NDI Out and your NDI In ?

Can you share a screenshot of the About This Mac page ?


Hi, as mentioned in my OG post the problem happens with any NDI sources coming from ios to TD, any NDI app I tried unity, sierra cam will crashed when trying to use NDI in in touch, where they work fine with any other softwares using NDI (so far obs, ndi monitor, resolume, unity)
So I highly suspect it to come from the TD side…

Ndi Out is any ios app sending ndi I could put my hands on, Ndi in with any settings have the same result (ios app crashing, no stream showing)
running on Apple M1 Pro 14.3.1 with the last build of TD.

thank you!

ps: just tried on a macbook pro m3 running 14.4 with the exact same results

ps2: made an other interesting discovery. It seems to not be only connected to ios but to any stream not being localhost.
using NDI test pattern on one machine I can open the stream in TD if its the same machine but trying to open the stream from TD on a different machine (on the network) will crash NDI test pattern.
I tried both on my wifi and with direct ethernet connection.

Hey @frejatet

Just tested with ZIGCAM and I am still unable to reproduce. But I realized I wasn’t updated on that machine running MacOS 14.0.

I’m updating to find out if that might be the issue.

What is the Phone you are sending from? OS version?

trying to open the stream from TD on a different machine (on the network) will crash NDI test pattern.

Definitely unable to reproduce that at the moment. Whether it’s from iPhone to Mac, PC to Mac, or PC to PC.


I used an iphone 12 mini and an iphone 15 pro with same results.
the os was ios 17 different version throughout time (currently 17.4)
but as mentioned on my previous post, the problem also occur between 2 mac.
Interesting fact TD to TD doesnt crash but I dont get any feed. NDI pattern tester to TD makes the pattern tester crash.
I wonder if something could be corrupted on my machines ( 2 macs are identical using the migration software)
I did try to replace the NDI lib inside the TD framework folder with the lib from OBS but same result.

Thank you!

I did try to replace the NDI lib inside the TD framework folder with the lib from OBS but same result.

  • Can you make sure that it’s 100% the latest .app package that isn’t modified.

NDI pattern tester to TD makes the pattern tester crash.

  • Can you confirm, the NDI App is crashing, not touchdesigner ?

I can confirm both yes,
TD 2023.11600 fresh install.
NDI app crashing only when trying to open the stream from TD (its working fine if I open the stream from other apps)
Any NDI app will crash when trying to open the feed from TD if the sender and receiver are not on the same machine.
attaching an example of Test pattern running on machine A, opened on machine on OBS machine B and the result when I select that stream in NDI in (machine B)

I wonder if this is a bug in a NDI version mismatch. I’ve upgraded our NDI version to 6.0 in the next build we post, maybe this will help…

cool can’t wait to dive in!
Any idea when the next build is being released?


This should be posted in the next week or two

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@frejatet out of curiousity, have you tried restarting your computer? NDI stopped working for me across all applications on localhost, and restarting the computer solved the issue.